6. A Lie, I wish I Never Told

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Unexpected events seemed to be the norm in my life lately.

When Ashley told me I wouldn't be attending her wedding, I felt mixed emotions. There was a tinge of disappointment since it was my best friend's special day, and I wanted to be there to share the joy with her. However, there was also a sense of relief and happiness because I wouldn't have to deal with the peculiar and enigmatic people who inhabited her house.

For a whole month, I convinced myself that it was alright not to attend the wedding, but fate had other plans. Just two days ago, Ashley unexpectedly threatened me, stating that if I didn't attend her wedding, she wouldn't get married.

I couldn't help but feel frustrated by her ultimatum. Shouldn't it be my decision whether or not to attend? Yet, Ashley seemed to believe she had the right to make decisions on my behalf, whether I liked it or not.

At first, she was adamant that I shouldn't return to her house, but two days ago, she desperately begged me to come. Her behavior had become increasingly shady, leaving me puzzled and curious about the mystery surrounding her house and its inhabitants.

Perhaps the pressure of her impending wedding was taking a toll on her, leading to erratic behavior. But regardless of the reasons behind her actions, it was clear that her insistence had coerced me into driving for four hours to attend the wedding.

After driving for two hours, I finally decided to take a break to refill the gas and stretch my limbs. It had been a solitary journey so far, with only music to keep me company in the car. Ash had offered some options for someone to pick me up, but the mere thought of being in the same car with Alaric Clell or that man Hactor was enough to make me prefer walking all the way, even if it took days.

So, there I was, alone in the car, the music playing to keep me awake as I ventured deeper into the Omichli Mountains. With each passing minute, I left the plains behind and entered a completely different territory.

I could feel the change in the air – once warm, it was now cold, fresh, and humid, surrounded by a dense blanket of conifers that covered the entire mountain.

The weather shifted from summer to rainy season, and the wet road indicated that it had rained the night before. I slowed down as the narrow, zigzagging road with deep curves and a cliff on my left came into view. It was a scary road, and I wasn't the most confident driver. To distract myself from the daunting cliff, I focused on the music playing through my phone, grateful that I had chosen to connect it rather than listen to the radio.

"Dangerous woman" was blaring through the speakers. The irony wasn't lost on me as I sang along, embracing the feeling of being a dangerous woman, ready to face any challenge – even driving on a mountain cliff road.

As I continued my journey, I spotted a car approaching from the opposite direction. The road was barely wide enough for one car, let alone two passing each other safely. I moved my car slightly towards the cliff's edge, allowing enough space for the other car to pass.

"Somethin' 'bout you, makes me feel like a dangerous woman..." I sang out loud as the car safely maneuvered past mine. Despite Nate's reckless driving with one hand inside Ash's skirt, I had to admit that his skills behind the wheel were impressive. However, the last time I rode with him, I hadn't fully grasped just how dangerous it was.

Now, as I ventured along the slow and perilous road, the driver shot me an incredulous look, probably wondering why I was grinning at such a precarious situation. But I wasn't crazy; it was simply my way of masking the unease and doubts I had about surviving this challenging route.

Surprisingly, I managed to cover a considerable distance without any mishaps or casualties. The relief washed over me as I continued my journey.

"Evi, why didn't you pick up our calls..." I slammed the brakes abruptly, startled by my dad's voice echoing through the car. I quickly reached for my phone to see what was playing—it was a voicemail.

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