Chapter 3 -- First Night Out

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"Hey Caroline. I'm not going to be home tonight. I'm going to sleep at the precinct so I can get more work done. Don't be surprised if I'm not home for the next 2 days." Sheriff Forbes said over the phone to her daughter.
"Sure mum that's fine. Do you need me to bring you anything?" Caroline asked her new mother.
"No honey I'll be fine. I'll see you later okay?" Liz responded.
"Okay mum. Bye." With that Caroline hung up and went back to doodling random patterns and flowers on a piece of paper waiting for Enzo.

"It's been so long since I felt this clean." She heard Enzo as he approached her. He hugged her from behind as she was sat on one of the stools on her kitchen island.
"You okay hun?" Caroline asked holding Enzo's right arm with her left hand.
"Better than okay." He responded nuzzling into her neck. In response she just patted his head with her right hand letting the touch starved man embrace her for a minute.

"Do you want anything to eat? Foodwise?" Caroline asked Enzo softly. Enzo just nods into her neck and she stands up slowly.
"It looks like neither mum nor I has been shopping for this week yet so how's pasta?" She informed him and he hummed in agreement.
"Darling if I'm going to cook you're going to have to let go." Caroline told Enzo in an amused tone. Said man just huffed and sat at the kitchen island pouting. Caroline saw this, smiled and started cooking.

After she finished they were sat at the island together eating and the whole time Enzo's knee was always right next to Caroline's. He was keeping in constant contact with Caroline. Which was the only thing indicating to Caroline that he was still on edge when she noticed. As soon as she had noticed she rested her left hand on his right leg. After she had done so she saw him relax more and that he was noticeably less stiff.

After they had finished their dinner they were getting ready for bed. Caroline saw they had a new toothbrush that her and Liz hadn't used because they came in a pack of three so she gave that one to Enzo so he could brush his teeth too.

"You can sleep in my bed with me if you want." Caroline told the recently saved vampire.
"No I'm fine. It's too soft I'm used to the floor." Having heard that Caroline felt bad for him again. She didn't hang up on it for too long and instead opted to atleast put a comforter on the floor beneath him, got him a thinner pillow and a blanket incase he got cold.

Enzo laid down on the floor and Caroline turned off the light then lay on her bed.
"Tell me if you need anything Enzo." Caroline said with her eyes closed.
"I'll be fine Care. Don't worry." Enzo replied to her. She replied with just humming and went to sleep.

Caroline woke up to whimpering and she looked to Enzo and saw him moving around a little frantically. She sighed sadly and quietly got out of bed, grabbing her pillow she went next to Enzo and laid on the ground. She wrapped her arms around him and he sniffed the air. After doing so he moved closer to her and melted in her arms. This, in turn, made her heart melt. She pulled him in closer, kissing his forehead, and fell asleep herself.

Waking Up As Caroline From The Vampire Diaries Where stories live. Discover now