Chapter 6 -- Finally Back

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Caroline walked onto campus and was greeted by everyone. She in turn greeted them and introduced herself to all the freshman she saw. Luckily with Caroline's memory of everyone and her great ability of remembering names she managed to get everyone's name right and remember all the freshman. Caroline was truly impressive.

Sadly Jeremy still turned to drugs, to Caroline's relief only Weed and he definitely wasn't with Vicki. Thank goodness. That relationship was honestly all Caroline wanted to avoid. However looking over at Tyler and Jeremy there was still problems.

Caroline walked over to them.
"Hey boys. What's the problem?" By now there was already a little crowd.
"The little Gilbert apparently thinks he's better than me." Yup it's Tyler's anger issues and inferiority complex great.
"Just because I don't kiss your ass doesn't mean I think I'm better than you. Fucking asshole."
"What did you say about me?"
"Hey hey hey. Calm down please. Jeremy apologise for swearing at him."
"But I-" Jeremy paused when he saw her stern look and he muttered sorry.
"Huh?" Caroline said.
"I'm sorry for swearing at you."

Tyler grinned triumphantly but then it disappeared when Caroline looked at him.
"Oh don't think you're off the hook Mr. You apologise for threatening a freshman and not making them feel welcome." She said strongly to him. Everyone looked down as they were also intimidated by the usually bubbly blonde.
"Sorry for not making you feel welcome."

Caroline immediately smiled again making everyone feel better.
"See that wasn't hard was it. Now shake hands and go on your way." The boys shook hands. Tyler left and Jeremy went to the bathroom. When Caroline walked into the school she saw Elena walk into the boy's room and sighed. She really needed to lay off of Jeremy.

Caroline say Bonnie and immediately skipped over to her.
"How's mystery man?" Bonnie asked smirking.
"He's good." Caroline just smiled back at her friend.
"When do you think she's gonna lay off Jeremy? She does know she's making it worse doesn't she?"
"Worse how? She's trying to stop him..."

"Statistically speaking more people turn to drugs when they're stressed or feel isolated/unlike. She's making him feel all those things. All he needs right now is love." She explained intelligently to Bonnie and her friends stood there thinking.
"As you say it it does make a lot more sense. You also find a community when you start durgs and if they're the only ones to accept you you're never going to stop." Caroline smiled happily at Bonnie understanding what she meant. She could always count on Bonnie to understand.
'Hopefully she'll be as open about Vampires.' Caroline hoped.

Elena exited the bathroom and bumped into none other than Edward Culle- I mean Stefan Salvatore. Then they walked off. A boy was about the go in there but Caroline caught him.
"James?" She asked.
"Yeah Caroline?" He asked confused.
"Could you send Jeremy out. Tell him I need him please."
"Yeah course I can." James entered and a minute later Jeremy came out and he didn't even seem that out of it which was good. She then gave him some of coffee she had in a thermos.

"Thanks big sis." He said quietly under his breath.
"No problem Jer. Let's get you to your first class." She walked him there, then the bell rang and she headed to her own class.

Caroline got to Tanner's History class and sat down in her allocated seat after politely greating the teacher with a smile-which he replied with a small one. After everyone sat down he started, "Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union."
Caroline sat there taking notes but she still saw everything like Stefan's loving gaze directed at Elena and Bonnie texting Elena about said loving gaze.

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