Chapter 13 -- Jenna's Date

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Caroline headed over to the Gilbert Residence with two meals she made for Elena and Jeremy that they could heat up. Jenna had asked the night before when she was hanging out at Enzo's House so she made extra of the fried chicken she made.

Jenna wouldn't be home as she was on a date and she was sort of weary of Elena and Jeremy answering the door to a delivery guy even if she trusted them.

She knocked on the door holding the container she put it in and Jenna answered the door.
"Hi Care!" Jenna said enthusiastically to the younger girl. Caroline smiled at the warm welcome and responded with the same enthusiasm.

"Hey Jenna! I brought some fried chicken that will taste good when reheated and they can make some rice or something to go with it tonight." Care explained happily. Jenna invited her in and she imediately went to the kitchen and put the chicken in the fridge. She also left a note with how to reheat it on top of the tub.

Elena woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen. She was suprised to see not only Jenna there but also Caroline in the kitchen.
"Jenna? Why's Care here?" Elena asked as if Caroline wasn't there, making Caroline scoff lightly.
"She's just bringing some food for you and Jeremy to eat tonight." Jenna told the girl happily.

"Why though? Jeremy and I can look after oursleves." Elena complained looking at Jenna as if she were crazy. Jenna just sighed.
"I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed here when I was gone. I asked Caroline and she offered to help. Please just be appreciative, Caroline's food is the best." Jenna told her niece exasperatedly.

Caroline didn't want to be part of the family drama so she headed upstairs to see Jeremy. She knocked on the door and got invited in.
"Hey Jer. How are you hun?" She asked him softly. Jeremy just smiled at the girl as she walked over and sat on his bed.
"I'm good. You?"

"Just causing some drama between Elena and Jenna by bringing home some dinner for you tonight." She replied amused with a tired expression, running her fingers through the young boy's hair comfortingly.
"Why is that causing drama?" Jeremy wore a sour expression, confused.
"I think Elena thinks that I'm trying to be a second mother or something and as an outsider in your family I guess she isn't happy."

A couple minutes later her and Jeremy headed downstairs and heard Jenna and Elena talking about the former's date.

"Oh, so you're actually going to do it. You're gonna go out with Logan." Elena asked curiously.
"If he upsets you call me and I'll come and beat him." Caroline interjected casually while giving Jeremy a bowl and a spoon to get some cereal.
"Thanks Caroline. I'm going to show up and torture him, yes. And have you heard from Stefan?" Jenna confirmed in her own round about way.
"Not since he left that very vague message three days ago. 'Hi, um, Elena, I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days." Hearing this cause Caroline to be concerned. She didn't think Damon had done enough to solicit the basement this time around and she felt concerned for the suffering vampire.

"Haven't you called him?" Jenna continued.
"Nope. Not going to either." Elena stated adamantly.
"And you're ok with everything?" Jenna was concerned for the wellbeing of her niece. This was normally a big deal for her.
"No, I'm not ok with any of it. But I'm not gonna cry about it, either. You know, I was going to write in my diary this morning and then I thought, what am I going to write? Honestly, I'm not gonna be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy." Elena ranted frustrated with Stefan, herself and her family.
"Ok, then."
"I'll be fine."

At the Salvatore boarding house Stefan and Zack were stood in the basement looking into the cell at a very weakened Damon.

He's awake. He's weak, but it's probably best to stay out of the basement. He's Damon. I'm not sure how dangerous he still might be." Stafan informed his nephew gravely.
"You're going to school?" Zach questioned slightly worried.
"I came here to live a life. It's about time I get back to that. And Elena, if she's still speaking to me." Stefan looked down to the floor guiltily, feeling bad for being inattentive to his girlfriend.

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