Chapter 7 -- Disrespect

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Caroline was once again sat in history boredly taking notes about the history of Mystic Falls.

"The Battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms. Bennett?" Tanner asked her best friend.
"Um...a lot? I'm not sure. Like a whole lot." Bonnie answered obviously not knowing the answer.

"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Ms. Bennett." The teacher said mockingly.
"Mr. Donovan? Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?" He asked Matt annoyed.
"It's okay, Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it." Matt replied relaxed gaining a laugh from the class.
Fustrated Tanner turned to Elena for an answer.

"Hmm. Elena? Surely you can enlighten us about one of the town's most significantly historical events?"
"I'm sorry, I--I don't know." Elena like most others in the class didn't know either.
"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break." Tanner complained almost maliciously.

Caroline had enough of it at that point and started to speak with a sweet voice.
"Mr Tanner don't speak to your students like that and treat them with a bit more respect please. That seemed a little unprofessional and rude on your side." Tanner just looked down guilty and nodded to Caroline not saying anything and she gave him an obviously fake smile. Everyone in the class just silently thanked Caroline for being there.

"There were 346 casualties. Unless you're counting local civilians." Stefan answered. The whole class felt thankful again as they wouldn't have to answer the question.
"That's correct. Mister...?" Tanner responded.
"Salvatore." Stefan said simply.
"Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls?" Tanner interrogated.
"Distant." Again a simple answer making Caroline smirk unnoticeablely.

"Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle."
Caroline decided to respond this time and corrected the teacher.
"Actually, there were 27, sir. Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are, uh, stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts, Mr. Tanner."
Tanner just hummed in response and continued with the lesson.

After school was finished everyone headed to the woods for the party. When she got the she saw Bonnie and Elena talking. Probably gossiping about Stefan. Caroline greeted everyone she saw and then went over the Tyler and Vicki.

"Hey kids. Being responsible?" She asked them in good spirit.
"Hey Care. And yeah we're good."
"Stay away from my man Forbes." Vicki said half threatening and half playfully.
"No need to worry Donovan. Trust me I know Tyler well enough to say a strong no to that one. Plus already taken."
"Oh by who do I know him?" Tyler asked the sisterly blonde.
"No and you're not gonna know him Lockwood. Wouldn't want you to scare him off now would I."
"I'm not that intimidating."
"Oh honey you aren't intimidating at all. I'm talking about your face," She squished his face with her hand, "Look how terrifying you are. Like a scary guard dog." She let go of him and all three of them laughed.

She soon excused herself and went over to Bonnie who was on her own because Elena went to talk to Stefan. Bonnie and her talked for a while and then heard Elena calling for Jeremy and then saw her follow him into the woods.

"Somebody help!" Elena called out ot everyone while Jeremy was carrying a girl she knew as Kristen one of Vicki's friends.
"Kristen? Kristen, what the hell?!" Matt questioned in shock helping Jeremy.
"What happened to her?" Tyler was equally surprised.
"Somebody, call an ambulance!" Vicki shouted desperately.
"Everybody back up, give her some space!" Tyler started pushing the crowd back away from the girl that was bleeding out.
"It's her neck. Something bit her. She's losing a lot of blood." Elena pointed out frantically.
"Put this on her neck." A boy-Dylan-told them giving Elena his hoodie. Both her and Vicki held it on her neck the best they could while applying pressure
"Kristen, Kristen, come on, open your eyes, look at me." Vicki called out to her visibly distraught seeing her friend in that state.

Soon the ambulance came and all the teens quickly headed home.
"Bonnie are you sober?" Caroline questioned the girl.
"Make sure to get home safely okay?"
"Will do Care."
With that Bonnie headed home and Caroline walked over to where Jeremy was. He looked a little under the weather. Caroline texted Jenna saying she'd make sure Elena and Jeremy got home and told her not to worry. Jenna sent a short thank you back.

Caroline sat next to Jeremy bringing him into a side hug.
"Are you okay buddy?" She asked attentively. He responded by nodding and moving closer to her.
"Let's get you home okay."

Caroline dropped Elena and Jeremy at home, went back to her house and got ready for bed.

She decided after a minute to call Enzo.
"You okay Angel?" He asked. Normally they just texted each other in the night.
"Babe there's more Vampires in town. A senior girl from my school just got attacked." Enzo didn't reply as she was thinking.
"Just stay safe okay Angel. I know you're capable but I don't want you hurt." He finally said.
"I'll keep that in mind babe. I love you. Sleep well."
"I love you too. Have a good night Angel. Bye." With that the short call ended and Caroline went to bed thinking about what she was going to do with Damon Salvatore.

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