Filler Chapter (Part 2)

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-Baking and Bonding-

"Okay so we're baking today." Caroline said trying to hype both her and Enzo up. Caroline knew more than anyone that she was a control freak in the kitchen.

"What are we making?" Enzo asked, ready to get started with the baking.
"I thought we should start simple with something like bread." Caroline told him, rolling up her sleeves and washing her hands. Enzo soon followed suit and Caroline got all of the ingredients out.

They started making the dough but Enzo accidentally breathed too harshly and flour went all over him. Hearing the noice Caroline turned to him from kneeding the dough and burst out laughing, causing another shower of flour.

They went silent and slowly looked over at eachother. After around 10 seconds they both fell to the floor laughing at the mess they made.

Eventhough it was 2 pm Damon walked out of the spare room half naked, running his eyes groggily as he had just woken up.
"What's going o-?" He stopped talking when he looked up to see the lively couple covered in flour and then turned away, covering his mouth as he quietly laughed to himself.

"Wanna join in Day?" Caroline asked playfully and flicked some flour at him.
"Yeah mate wanna join?" Enzo joined in and soon Damon was being pelted with puffs of fine flour.

"Oh come on guys I literally had a shower last night." Damon complained lightheartedly and removed the flour from his face.
"Well you'll have to just have another one. We might need one too actually." Caroline added looking down at both her and Enzo.

"Wanna share one?" Damon offered playfully to both of them making the other two laugh.
"You can take Enzo I'll wait for one." Caroline joked back as they all laughed.
"Yeah let's go mate!" Enzo added enthusiastically so him and Damon went to shower.
"Can't believe I'm thrid wheeling!" Caroline exclaimed sarcastically but completely fine with this development and started to clean up the mess.

-Memory End-


-Picnic Time-
(They have Damon's Daylight Ring by this point.)

Caroline prepared the picnic basket for their outing that day. After she triple checked everything and packed up the car she went into the spare bedroom to wake Damon up.

"Hey Damon wake up." She coaxed, gently shaking him.
"Five more minutes." He complained and she shook her hea din amusement.

"Damon you said that ten minutes ago. Get up or we're leaving you." She told him and he got up and started getting ready. She walked into the living spadlce and saw Enzo sitting on the sofa, still trying to figure out his new phone. He'd had it for quite a while but he was still confused so as they waited for Damon Caroline patiently explained it to him again.

Damon finally came out of the spare room and Caroline really liked his outfit (think E-Boy but a touch more Goth).
"How do I look?" Damon asked them both with his arms held wide open.
"Looking great Day. Right Enzo?" She asked her boyfriend, who was too flustered to speak, teasingly. Damon and Caroline looked at him like he was the cutest thing in the world.

Soon they were at a clearing and they decided they would eat there. Damon placed down the cooler, Enzo placed down the basket and Caroline placed out the blanket for them to sit on.

They peacefully ate and chatted for a while about life, about family and about memories they wanted to share. Soon the were done and messing around. Damon and Caroline ended up doggy piling on top of Enzo. Caroline also managed to get a selfie of them doing this with Enzo being all flustered and she eventually made it her home screen photo.

That day was a good day.

-Memory End-


-Walking Through The Woods-

That day Enzo didn't want to get up, so Damon and Caroline decided to go on a walk together.
"So my boyfriend has a crush on you." Caroline pointed out playfully and Damon just looked at her shocked.
"And you're okay with that?" He asked her genuinely confused by her openness about the situation.

"I'm cool with it as long as you like him back. And I suspect you do." Caroline told him with a smile. Damon's still very confused.
"We're talking about Enzo right?" Damon asked.

"Yup. I'm very well aware that Enzo loves me a lot and I love him too. However he also loves you a lot aswell and you definitely love him back. I'm not jealous so as long as he accepts and you're willing to coexist, which we've been doing just fine, I see no problem with it being an open relationship." Caroline explained her point of view and Damon nodded along to everything she said.

"You mean?"
"Well as long as he agrees I'm in."
And with that Caroline and Damon were in agreement.

-Memory End-

Hey guys I'm sorry it's taken so long for literally anything new and this is just something that's been in my drafts for a while just sitting. I have major writer's block, one of my main fanfic planning projects in my drafts corrupted which set me back a lot emotionally and I couldn't access it, I have exams and I'm overall pretty depressed. I feel bad that you like my stuff but love yall and thanks to everyone who gave some support in the comments. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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