Chapter 1 - Semper Fi

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Boot Camp, Lessons In Loyalty, Difficult Conversations With My Father

"Alright, ladies, fall in!"

The late morning sun beat down upon the recruits. For some, like Sam, it was nothing special: another Mindoir spring day. For others from colder climes, it was a bit more difficult.

Drill Sergeant Markus Pike's bellow galvanised the newcomers. Some of them were a little younger than might be expected; others, like Sam, were a little older. For her, it was easy enough to find a place in the second of the two rows.

It did not bother her to be in the back row, despite the man - boy, really - in front of her being half a head taller. It suited her to be a little off the radar on the first day - she had already gone through something very similar on her first day in the Systems Alliance Army.

The Drill Sergeant continued to address the recruits - it was like a distorted replay from two years previously.

"You little angels are now attempting to become part of the finest fighting force in the Alliance. It is your honour to be here. It is my job to kick out those that are unfit. I believe you are all unfit. It is your job, therefore, to prove me wrong - or go home. Can I get a 'Yes, Sergeant'?"

"Yes, Sergeant." It was a ragged response.

Pike raised his voice, putting his hand to his ear, mockingly. "I said: can I get a 'Yes, Sergeant'?"

"Yes, Sergeant!" This time, it was louder and more together.

"Better!" He strode back and forth before the recruits as he spoke. "Now, this is the beginning of how you act as a team. Enthusiastic! Forceful! Like your lives depend upon it! Which - it - does!"

It was easy to tell who was either new to military life or just uncomfortable, even disregarding the obvious age differences. Pike picked on a couple of the raw recruits and showed everyone the kind of treatment they could expect before targeting Sam.

"You!" His voice had mellowed a bit, setting her teeth on edge slightly. It was way out of character. "Don't be shy, hiding back there. Why don't you step out here, where we can all get a good look at you."

Sam slipped through the front rank to stand where Pike had indicated on the ground. Her nose wrinkled slightly as she snapped to attention.

"Tell everyone who you are, and why you're here." Pike now sounded like a kindergarten teacher hosting a show-and-tell.

She held the salute. "Corp... Private Tarot, Samantha. Em-Eye-Fiver-Fiver-Two-Four-Three-Seven. Transfer from Army, Sergeant."

Pike nodded thoughtfully, and walked around her. "This," he addressed the rest of the recruits, "is what the Army sends to us. Here, this is where we take you and teach you what you really need. Of course, you need something to work with."

He stopped in front of Sam, who was still holding the salute. "Do you have what it takes, Private Tarot?"

"Yes, Sergeant!" she barked.

"So tell us why you're here." Pike's lip curled into a wry grin.

Sam's eyes flicked up to his, then back to straight at his chest. "Here to defend the Systems Alliance against all enemies, Sergeant!"

"Alright! All enemies - without and within." He snapped off a salute, dismissing Sam. "Fall in, Tarot."

Sam, gratefully, took her place amongst the recruits, while Pike continued his well-practiced pantomime. "The Army teaches you to wash your hands after you take a piss. Here, I'm going to teach you to not piss on your hands!

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