Chapter 12 - Choices

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Abi and Drick circle each other, Sam and Drick circle each other. Bitterness ensues

"Are you there?"

The three of them exchanged sideways glances as the onboard comms buzzed. It was not a familiar voice... indeed, not even masculine. Abi reached out to touch the response key but Drick held her back.

"They'll use it to triangulate," he told her.

"They're already using it," Abi replied. "It's an open channel. We turn it off or we talk to them."

"Any of you? Andre? Ramsey? Tarot?" the comms continued. "Come on, someone talk to me. Unless you've managed to install an autopilot in that truck, someone is driving and can hear me."

Abi leant forward again and touched the response. "Who are you?"

"It's an open channel. I need you to come back and we can talk this through."

"No reason to believe you're in a talking mood," Abi retorted. "We've had people with live munitions hunting us down."

"And you've done a lot of damage to them."

"With only what they've been authorised to use on us," Abi threw back. "Or are you going to tell me that this was not sanctioned?"

There followed a noticeable pause. "Yes, it was sanctioned. Right now you have worse coming for you." There were sounds of consternation in the background. "You will face an overwhelming situation, I promise you, and I would rather that did not happen. You've proven to be resourceful and determined; I would rather have you on our side. We can still make this work, but I need you to stop running."

Abi looked at her companions then pressed the mute button. "What do we do?"

"I don't think we're going to make it to Roundway at this point, let alone Farrell," Drick offered. "They haven't sent a Kodiak after us, maybe they think it would attract too much attention close to Roundway."

"A Kodiak would have found us already. They've probably sent one of the hovertrucks after us. Dammit!" Sam slammed her palm heel against the wheel.

"I think we have two clips for each of the weapons," Abi concluded. "Two rifles, two pistols - not much against a properly armed squad."

"Are you there?" the voice over the comms interrupted.

Sam eased her foot off the power pedal and the speedometer numbers tumbled in response.

"You wanna surrender?!" Drick's surprise was amply evident.

"Well, d'uh!" Sam snapped. "Of course not; but if we wait for them to catch up we're out of options. We either dump this thing or surrender."

"You guys could go on," Abi said quietly. "I'm the only one who's spoken to them and I haven't referred to you at all, yet. Stop the truck, I'll stay with it."

"You can't drive it," Sam argued.

"I can just wait. There's no way they're going to let me drive back, anyway," Abi countered. "I can buy you enough time to disappear."

"Not happening." Drick said firmly.

"Somebody? Please... please talk to me." The voice was tinny, but still good enough to convey the pleading tone.

Abi touched the console. "Okay... okay, we'll stop."

There was a note of relief in the voice. "Good... you're making the right choice. Our team will pick you up shortly."

Abi closed the channel while Sam allowed the truck to drift to a halt, fuming. "We're so close!"

"On a cosmic scale, sure," Drick commented, "but Roundway's a fifty klick yomp from here."

Even Stars Go ColdOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora