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Tommy POV

I rang the doorbell. I had been so excited for so long!! I was finally gonna see my best friend again after so long!!! The door opened.


"Oh hey tommy!" he sounded so... disappointed? I wasn't sure but i just brushed it off.

I went in for a hug and he hugged me back. He was extremely thin.

"How are you doin man?"

"I'm doing good!!"

"Have you been eating enough..?" I wasn't sure if the question was appropriate or not, but i had to know for sure. He was silent for a few seconds, almost like he didn't know what to say.


"Are you sure? You look really thin"

"I just ate not too long ago so don't worry about me!!" He sounded quite cheerful so i believed him. Maybe he just burnt fat really quickly?

We hung out for a bit before deciding to do a stream. I really wanted to do a fnaf stream so we loaded up the game and started the stream. I made Tubbo play mostly but he kept closing out of the game by accident. Suddenly he started acting weird.

"I need to go to the bathroom ill be right back.."

"Are you okay? you gotta shit?"

"Ew no"

"Whahat? (the laugh like mid 'what') its a normal thing!!"


Tubbo POV

I got up and left to go to the bathroom. It hurt so bad. The huge cut had healed a bit over the week, but not much at all. I opened up my bandages again and saw the huge amounts of blood. I almost threw up. It had gotten so much worse. I quickly washed it and bandaged it up again. I suddenly felt myself falling and let out a loud groan.

"TUBBO?? ARE YOU OKAY???" I heard distant screaming but everything felt so weird and blurry. "TUBBO???" footsteps. "TUBBO WHAT HAPPENED???" knocking. "TUBBO IM COMING IN" it was too late. I passed out on the floor.

What happened? Why is everything so white?

"Oh you're up!" I heard a happy voice coming from my left.


"I was so worried!! You passed out on the bathroom floor! I helped you back to bed are you alright now?"

"What about the stream..?"

"I ended it already dont worry!!"

you passed out. You're so weak. you had to get tommy to help you to bed. You made him end his stream early. I knew it. I'm a nuisance.

"But hey, don't worry about it! I'm just happy you're awake! Why did you pass out?"

"Oh.. umm idk maybe just lack of sleep?"

"You really need to sleep more, man. You keep goin on about lack of sleep we're going to bed now."

"What's the time?"

"It's around 8 pm"

"That's too early let's go outside i wanna take a walk"

"Alright if you say so"

We went on our way outside. The cold wind hit my face the second we opened the door. It was so refreshing. We walked through the forest to a little place i had found when i was younger. We sat down and spoke for a bit.

"Isn't this nice?"

"Don't get all sentimental on me now, Tubbs"

"I'm noooot i just like how nice this is"

"Well yeah, it is nice"

I had completely forgotten about all my pain for a second, until a sudden burst of pain hit me.

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