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The next morning when i woke up, Toby was still asleep. I went downstairs and looked in the fridge to see if they had any eggs or something i could make. The second i opened the fridge i was shocked. It was full of alcohol and beer. I think Toby said his dad drank a little but this was way too much for one person. They had some eggs that were about to expire, so i cooked them.

Tubbo POV

When i woke up, Tommy was gone. I remembered last night. Shit I really hoped Tommy ended up believing me. The razor blade was now gone which sucked. The pencil sharpener i took it out of had two in it so ill just take the other one later just in case. I went downstairs to the smell of eggs which almost made me throw up. I couldn't handle food right now but it seemed Tommy had made some. I couldn't just refuse to eat.

"Oh, good morning!"

"Good morning"

"I made eggs!! want some?"

"I'm uh not that hungry.."

"You should still eat. Breakfast is important!"

"Fineee i'll eat"

We ate breakfast and then went upstairs to plan a stream for later. Time skip to later when we started the stream. I had yet to feel sick from those eggs. I was actually quite happy that i ate something.

We booted up Minecraft and got ready for streaming.

"HELLO BOYSSS" The loud screaming rung in my ears. "WELCOME BACK TO THE STREAM EVERYBODY!!"

Suddenly i heard a slam in the door downstairs.

"Tommy i'll be right back.."

I got up from my seat and went downstairs. There he was in the doorway. Drunk and about to pass out.

"Hello sir" I tried to not sound afraid, but in reality, i was more scared than ever. Tommy was here and i didn't want him to see this.

"Only speak when you're spoken to, kid."

I remained silent.

"I SAID SPEAK!!" He shouted so loud i was sure the stream could hear.

"Sorry sir." I didn't know i was supposed to speak.

"What the hell are you doing up this late?"

"Tommy's here, sir. We were just playing a game"

"That Tommy kid again? I thought he left for gods sake."

"He just came yesterday, sir. He'll be here all week"

"Alright that's it." He punched me hard to the ground. I didn't know what i did. I felt my nose starting to bleed and it hurt like hell. "You never told me he would be here for a damn WEEK."

"Sorry sir. I thought i did."

"Yeah well you didn't"

He kicked me hard in my side. He kicked me over and over again and punched me even more. When i no longer was able to move, he left. I heard another slam in the door and then nothing. Not even Tommy upstairs. I wasn't able to get up. I heard footsteps coming towards me.

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