a night in crenshaw

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Beverly's football team was on a winning streak. For the past couple of Friday nights, the team had been winning game after game. Which was something they haven't done since before Spencer transferred. After the games, Jordan and Evelyn usually spent some much-needed alone time together. But, tonight their friends had insisted on hanging out at the cafe which was more of a sports bar at night.

"All I'm saying is going strictly off fantasy points, touchdowns are worth more than interceptions," Asher said.

Spencer smacked his lips lightly. "Man, come on! A pick can change the game."

"And a touchdown can win a game," Asher argued.

Layla and Evelyn both shared an eye roll listening to the boy's talk football. "Asher," Evelyn groaned, hitting the 8-ball into the pocket. "I won! Also...can we please talk about something else."

"We could talk about the Hernandez Halloween Bash next week?" JJ suggested. "I look forward to that party every year. Oh, man, I need to buy a costume."

"Actually, our birthday is in two weeks," Enrique corrected walking over to them with some random girl wrapped under his arm. "You guys better buy us some expensive gifts. I gotta take my lady friend home. See you!"

Jordan furrowed his eyebrows at the boy. "That's a different girl than who he walked in with...Isn't it?"

"Yes," Evelyn nodded, grabbing the bill from the waiter and handing it to her boyfriend. "Yes, it is. He's gross."

"Who asked for the bill?" Asher questioned.

"I did," Jordan answered, pulling his wallet out from his pocket. "Give me your cards."

"How much I owe?" Spencer asked pulling out some crumpled dollar bills.

"You know what? I'll pay for the bill. I did eat most of the food," Evelyn said, pulling the bill from her boyfriend's hand and removing the cards, and placing her own down.

Spencer shook his head at the girl. "No, no. I can't let you pa—"

"Too late!" she yelled, pushing his money away. "Plus, my parents give me more than enough money. It's fine."

"Come on, sugar mama," Jordan chuckled, lacing their fingers together and heading towards the door.

"Everyone's leaving?" Asher asked. "We're not going home early. My dad's out of town."

"Woah. All weekend?" Jordan asked, looking at JJ who pulled his phone out to text basically the entire junior class.

Asher hesitated. "Who are you texting?"

"Uh, everyone!" JJ exclaimed.

"What am I missing?" Spencer asked.

"Listen, Asher's parties, they're legendary, okay?" Jordan told him.

"He don't sound like he want to throw a party to me," Spencer noticed.

"Are you kidding?" Layla asked. "Asher lives for these parties. This will be the first one since he moved to the new house. It's the second-best party of the year."

"What's the first?" Spencer asked.

"Mine and Enrique's birthday party," Evelyn answered. "Also known as the Hernandez Halloween Bash. We were born on Halloween if it wasn't already obvious. But, every year we throw a huge house party for our birthday and everyone dresses up. It's in two weeks. So, make sure you have a costume for the night. Bye, Spencer!"


The following day had come around and wasn't very exciting Layla and Liv had tried to convince Evelyn to come over to Layla's house to hang out. But, she thought the two should spend some time alone...and she still wasn't entirely comfortable knowing the huge secret hook-up between Liv and Asher. So, instead, she spent her time hanging out with her younger brother by the pool.

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