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Evelyn was called to the cafe by Spencer and Liv. The two overly concerned friends wanting to catch up with the girl after she had seemingly gone MIA for a couple of days. It's not that she was going through anything too life-changing. She just simply needed a break from things.

"Was I hallucinating or were you in brother's room a couple of days ago?" Liv asked as Spencer slid over an iced tea and a sandwich for Evelyn.

"This feels like an intervention," she sighed, taking a massive bite of her sandwich. "But, no you weren't hallucinating. I was there. But, things didn't go too well so I didn't stay for that long."

Spencer propped his elbows on the counter, peering curiously over at the Latina. "What happened?"

"I asked him about that stupid letter that he put into my locker and he thought it'd be a good gesture to win me back," she scoffed. "Then I told him how I was trying my best to move on and he straight up told me that he doesn't want me happy if it's not with him."

"What an ass!" Liv exclaimed. "First, he purposely ended practice and now he's telling you that he wants you to be miserable! Is he serious?"

"He ended practice?" Evelyn asked.

"The vibe between him and coach on that field right now is bananas," Spencer sighed. "Obviously, he's going easy on him out of guilt."

"And Jordan's testing the boundaries, seeing how much he can get away with," Liv finished shaking her head.

"Surprise, surprise," Evelyn said.

"The more he allows Jordan to question his authority, the more everybody else gonna do the same," Spencer said. "And once that happens, it's over. Our team is as good as done."

Liv sighed. "Great. Yet another reason pushing you towards choosing South Crenshaw."

"I ain't exactly feeling them, either," Spencer said.

"Oh, yeah, cause of Darnell," Liv pointed out.

"Mmm," Evelyn moaned, nodding her head in approval. "Talk about tall, dark, and yum! I don't know what they feed those boys in Nevada but, Darnell is one tree I would love to cl—"

"Oh, my God!" Liv hissed, placing a hand over her mouth. "Sorry about her. Are you ready to talk to your dad yet?"

"And say what?" he grimaced.

"Sorry," Evelyn winced. "About the whole Darnell thing. I didn't mean it."

"Look, 7 years raising another man's child is a long time," he sighed.

"What is it?" Liv asked, noticing Spencer's attention on his phone.

"It's Chris," he answered. "His doctor cleared him to run again. Barring any setbacks, he should be good for the season opener this fall."

"Chris sucks," Evelyn stated bluntly. "No offense, but dumping my best friend via text message...So, not cool."

"What she means is that's amazing. Good for him," Liv sighed.

Evelyn's head shot up as a thought came across her mind. "Wait, isn't that fine-ass, tall-ass, yum—"

"Get to the point, Evelyn," Liv spat.

"Isn't Darnell a quarterback?" she asked, slightly giggling. "If Chris comes back what happens?"

"Let me worry about that," Spencer told her.


The following day, Evelyn went to school and did her normal routine. Attending her classes and trying her best to once again, avoid her ex-boyfriend. After school, she went to practice and had a more positive attitude about her change in events for the track meet since her talk with Asher.

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