stubborn ex-boyfriend

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As Evelyn walked into school the next morning she couldn't shake the thought of Asher from her head. She wanted to move on from Jordan seeing as he was clearly doing the same thing. But, moving on with your ex-boyfriend's best friend probably wasn't the best idea

"Hey, have you seen Layla?" Spencer asked, walking up to Evelyn at her locker with JJ and Asher trailing behind him.

"What is this?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows at the three boys. "The find Layla, group?"

"Evie, I'm being serious," he pleaded. "She wasn't in class and Layla doesn't skip."

"No, sorry, Spence," she sighed, opening her locker and finding a note taped to the inside. "But, if you see her. Text me. I'm kind of worried."

"Heh!" JJ chuckled, pointing at the entrance of the school. "She looks fine to me."

"Uh, I'll catch y'all later," Spencer frantically said walking away.

"Hey, what's that?" JJ asked, nodding his head at the note in Evelyn's hand.

"It's from your stupid friend, Jordan," she grumbled, removing the gold bracelet that was taped to the top.

"Ooh, let me see that," the blonde grinned, plucking the paper from between her fingers. "Dear Evie, I know we agreed on breaking up for good. But, I can't accept that. Here's the bracelet I gave you for your 17th birthday. Love, J."

"Feel free to toss that in the garbage," she retorted, throwing the bracelet back into her locker and shutting it.

"So you're not interested in taking him back?" Asher asked, curiously.

"Um, no," she mumbled. "I thought Jordan and I had an understanding. I'm ready to move on and I thought he was already moving on. Considering—"

"Considering all the chicks he's been banging over the break," JJ butted in, slinging his arm around her. "Makes sense. But the other day at the beach he seemed upset about you and A—."

"And nobody!" Asher cut him off.

"You two are not the right people to be having this conversation with," Evelyn groaned, pushing JJ away from her. "I have a class to get to and I'm sure you guys do, too. Goodbye!"

"Dude," JJ chuckled, watching her walk away as he nudged Asher in the ribs. "You need to make a move. Fast."


After a day of avoiding Jordan who was lurking around every single corner. Evelyn had gone to the cafe to meet up with Olivia and Layla.

"I don't understand him," Evelyn said, watching Jordan from across the cafe with a bunch of overly eager girls by his side. "You know, he wrote me a letter and put it in my locker saying how he won't accept us not being together."

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