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Her eyes fluttered open in panic as she felt an arm wrapped tightly around her bare torso. Lifting the blankets from her body and taking a quick peek, the anxious knot in her stomach quickly formed once she realized she was naked.

"Oh, God," Evelyn groaned, getting out of the tight grip he had on her and throwing a random shirt over her body.

She walked through the bathroom in order to get to her friend's room and quickly shook her awake. "Evelyn? What are you still doing here?" Liv asked groggily.

Memories of last night flooded her brain, following Liv home to make sure she was okay. Running into Jordan on the driveway and following him back into the house to talk. The talk soon turned into a make-out session which shortly turned into Evelyn and Jordan ripping each other's clothes off and him convincing her to stay the night.

"I spent the night in your brother's room," she admitted. "I need to borrow some clothes. Please?"

"Go for it," Liv said, pointing at her closet. "Wait, you stayed the night in my bro—Ew! I thought you were done with him!"

"Yeah, me too," Evelyn hummed, as she changed her clothes. "I need to use your hairbrush. He, uh, apologized the day of the combine and I told him I needed time. Then I ran into him last night and we talked...sort of."

Liv grimaced at her friend. "Gross."

"I'll see you at school!" she yelled, quickly racing down the steps and reaching for the doorknob.

"Evelyn?" Mrs. Baker questioned, seeing the familiar black hair race by.

"Hey, sorry," Evelyn sighed. "I spent the night in Liv's room. Hope that's okay."

"Liv's room? Is that what you and Jordan are calling it these days?" Mrs. Baker giggled. "You know, Evie, Jordan really misses you."

She cringed. "Oh, my God."

"Want some breakfast?" Mrs. Baker offered. "We have more than enough food."

"I'm okay," she mumbled. "I should probably get home or go to school...Yeah, I'm gonna go to school. It was nice seeing you, Mrs. Baker."

Evelyn rushed home to quickly brush her teeth and then snuck back out to go to school. She had decided on skipping the pep rally not wanting to answer any questions from her friends about her sleepover with Jordan last night.


"So, everyone, you'll have your grades by this weekend. Good luck," Mr. Vega announced to the class as he quickly dismissed them from their seats.

"Hey," Jordan said, waiting outside of Vega's class for her.

"Oh, hey," Evelyn mumbled.

"You ran out on me this morning," he said, fiddling with the straps of his backpack as they walked down the hall. "I didn't see you in the bleachers for the pep rally, either."

"I skipped the pep rally. Didn't really feel like going," she shrugged. "And about this morning...It was just kind of weird to wake up next to you. Especially naked."

"But, it was nice, right?" he asked, turning his head to the side. "I mean, our talk last night—"

"Was less of a talk and more of a heated make-out session turned hookup," she giggled. "Look, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it because I did. But, it doesn't mean we're back together or...that things are just magically fixed."

"As long as it means that we're one step closer," Jordan said, grabbing her hand and lacing their fingers together. "...To getting where we need to be. I'm okay with it. I love you."

Evelyn stayed quiet as they held hands, not bothering to utter an I love you back. Although she knew she loved him, Jordan had seriously hurt her, and whenever she was with him all she could think about was him and Ripley.


"Mom, you're back!" Evelyn exclaimed, walking through the door and spotting her mom in the kitchen.

Jennifer's eyes lit up as she opened her arms to engulf her daughter in a hug. "Oh, my little Evelyn...I've missed you. All of you."

"Dad's cooking sucks," she complained. "He makes one dish: spaghetti. We've had spaghetti for a week straight."

"Sit," Jennifer told her patting the seat beside her. "Tell me everything I missed. Your dad doesn't tell me anything."

"Where's dad?" she questioned.

"He took Ale to his painting class. They'll be home, soon," she said.

"Okay, well, Jordan and I broke up the night of the homecoming dance," Evelyn revealed. "He cheated on me. Things have changed since then. He's been different...I don't know. I'm not saying I want to get back together with him. But, I'm also not against the idea."

"Evelyn. I'm so sorry, I know how much you liked him," she comforted, placing an arm around her daughter. "And I love how you always try to see the best in people. But, mija, getting back with someone who cheated on you...that may not be the best idea."

"I know, mom," she sighed. "When I was with him earlier the whole time I kept thinking...He cheated on me."

"You know they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new," her mom said, slightly giggling afterwards.

"Mom!" Evelyn grimaced. "Do you know what that's insinuating?"

"Intimacy," she said, making a crude gesture with her hands. "What? I was your age once. I'm not saying go out and have sex with every guy you meet. But, maybe you should meet someone new? Unless, you already have?"

"No way," she scoffed, as her face started turning red. "Absolutely not. The only guy I've even thought about was Jordan."

"What about Asher?" Jennifer asked. "Yeah, turns out your dad does tell me things. Falling asleep on a park bench with Asher Adams...Hmm?"

"I have a lot of homework, mom," Evelyn grumbled, picking her backpack off the floor. "I"m glad you're home."


"Hey, look, it's the girl who slept with my brother a couple of nights ago," Olivia teased Evelyn as she noticed her friend trudging up the bleachers with a glare on her face.

"Kiss my ass, Olivia Baker," Evelyn hissed.

"You're such a delight," Layla joked, giving her friend a kiss on the cheek. "So, are you getting back with him?"

"I haven't decided, yet," Evelyn said, looking out at the field. "I know that I love him but, I'm not sure if that's enough or if I can ever trust him again. Plus, I feel like something else is holding me back I just don't know what it is."

"Makes sense," Liv said. "But...can I just point out how you're wearing his jersey seems like you've made your mind up."

Evelyn turned to Layla "Am I allowed to kill her?"

"Here. Popcorn. Eat up and watch the game," Layla chuckled, patting the top of her friend's head.

She let out a grunt and nudged Liv harshly in the ribs before turning her attention towards the game. The score was 17-28 with Logan High in the lead. Spencer was practically carrying the team on his back while Jordan sat on the bench. As good as Spencer was doing in the game, there was something off and Coach Baker had finally let Jordan play.

Evelyn noticeably winced in her seat watching Jordan get harshly tackled to the group by the opposing team. There were 33 seconds left in the game and Beverly was down by 4. With a touchdown from Asher, the Beverly Eagles had successfully won the game. Ending Logan High's season.


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