Author's Note

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Hey y'all just want to let y'all know that I am working on another update, things have just been crazy. Myself, my family, and my best friend all had a COVID scare for a while and due to some personal drama I've been off my game. I promise I do have something in the works though.

Additionally due to a comment and some DM's I have gotten, I would like to restate: I am writing a slightly exaggerated version of Sanji. I understand if you do not see him in the same light as myself, but I have worked very hard to keep him as canon as possible with my skill level. Sanji and most of the characters in One Piece (basically all except Luffy as far as I have seen cause I have not finished the show) are some level of Fatphonic and Homophobic; Sanji especially so. While I respect that we may view his character differently, I ask that you understand that I am writing this peice to learn to re-love him as a comfort character.

Sanji x (Eating Disorder!)(Plus Size!)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now