Chapter 11

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(Sorry, short chapter!! Love y'all, hope you are having fun with this!)

"Evil be gone, Evil be gone" Usopp begged under his breath while placing his hands in front of his body as if praying to any deity that would listen.

The slim stranger lifted his head and the whole crew was met with a living corpse. His skull looked like aged ivory and though he was entirely bone, he remained animated and filled with expression. The sight was jarring to say the least.

"Good day to you!! Yo ho ho ho!!! You gave me quite a start!! Oh, How many decades has it been since I saw people in the flesh? Every ship I come across seems to be a ghost ship! It's Horrible!!" The man excitedly flailed about as he spoke.

"LOOK HES TALKING!! The skeleton has an Afro and he's talking!!!" Luffy yelled out in excited shock.

Ignoring Luffy's statement, the undead stranger's attention was captured by you as you tried to slowly hide behind Zoro. " What a truely elegant lady!! You're beautiful!" The skeleton gleamed in your direction leaving you with a small blush.

"No-No, I'm really not" you corrected him.

"Yeah, she really isn't..." Sanji trailed somewhat quieter.

"My eyes follow the beautiful ladies. But I'm a skeleton so I don't have eyes! Yo ho ho ho ho ho!" And you sir are clearly poor boy who cannot fathom the beauty that is this Goddess among men in front of you. It's a pity really that your taste is so subpar." The seemingly eccentric skeleton, rested his cane on the ship railing, adjusted his loose bow tie, and polished his shoes slightly, before walking up to you despite you still being behind Zoro, "May I see your panties?" He asked seriously.

"Huh???" You sighed in confusion. Immediately, Zoro lifted one blade out of its sheath and used the handle to bash the skeleton on the forehead causing the unknown creature to stumble back and fall to the floor in pain and surprise. Zoro's irritation at the man's comment plain on his face.

"My,my!! Your Harsh!!" The skeleton screamed. "That made my bones rattle, especially since I'm a skeleton." He continued.

"OI!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN SUBPAR TASTE YOU PILE OF BONES!!!" Sanji screamed while his path to the skeleton was actively blocked by the others.

"Shut Up!!!" Nami yelled at him in anger before Luffy burst into laughter.

"Hey, Skeleton!! Do you poop?" Luffy asked in wonderful curiosity.

"There are so many questions that should come before that, and you choose that question to ask?!?!?" Sanji scolded.

The skeleton stands up, and hums and he walks to the railing, picks up his cane and walks back to where he was knocked on the floor. "Yes, I poop." He replied plainly.

"Don't take so long to answer his question!!! Also WHO CARES!!!" Sanji screamed at the stranger.

"Why are you alive and talking when you're nothing but bones? What in the actual fuck are you?? What are you doing here? Why are you on our ship? What happened on your ship? What's the story behind this sea? Answer all of my questions!!" Sanji exclaimed in anger.

You, Usopp, Chopper, and Nami all nodded in agreement. "Wait." Luffy interrupted. "Putting that aside...Join my crew!!" He exclaimed his request.

"WHAT????" The entire crew yelled out with faces of shocked horror.

"Eh. Okay." The skeleton agreed in a deadpan tone making Luffy smile largely in a chuckle.

"Oi!! Luffy!! Why??" Usopp yelled in worry.

"Yo ho ho ho ho ho ho!! Hi, Hello everyone! I shall be imposing you on this vessel!!" The man exclaimed to the entire crew, "I am the dead and skeletonized Brook! It is a pleasure to meet you!!" He continued.

"Don't be stupid!! And what the heck is he!!" The entire crew yelled out toward Luffy and the man now known as Brook. Luffy merely laughing at the reaction.

Brook walked towards Robin, " Goodness, aren't you a lovely lady. May I please see your panties?" He politely asked.

"STOP THAT!! HARASSMENT SKELETON!!!" Nami scolded as he then turned to Nami.

"You are gorgeous! May I please see your panties?" He asked again and Nami simply kicked him over the head in anger.

"You're fully decked out in anti-evil stuff!" Chopper yelled pointing at Usopp causing everyone to turn in Usopp direction.

Usopp of covered head to toe in stereotypical supernatural fighting gear. A cross, garlic, prayer beads, and Sigurd surrounded his body. "P-p-ple-eas-se go awa-a-ay, S-Stupid Skeleton. Evil be gone. Evil be gone." He chanted in fear while hold the cross out in front of himself.

"An evil spirit??!?! Where?? Where is it?!?" Brook yelled out in fear while looking around nervously searching.

"It's You!!" Usopp and Chopper yelled in unison

"What??" Brook yelled back causing Luffy to laugh again.

"There is no way a skeleton can walk, talk, and grow an Afro with out it being an evil spirit." Usopp accused, "please tell me this is a dream!!"

"REALLY???" Chopper screamed in relief, "thank the gods, it's a dream!"

"Luffy I won't allow you to let him join our crew!!!" Zoro yelled at Luffy.

"Now, now, don't get so worked up!!! Let's go inside and eat dinner!!" Brook exclaimed.

"That's not for you to decide!!!" Everyone screamed at Brook while Luffy laughed out a "You're funny!"

Regardless, everyone made there way to the kitchen and sat at the dining table while Sanji cooked for everyone in the attached kitchen.

"You all have a wonderfully amazing ship!! It's beautiful!!" Brook complimented.

"You bet!! It was made by someone as super as me!!" Franky replied. "You've got a pretty keen eye!"

"It's been decades since I've seen anyone or had a proper meal!" Brook fell on the table in sadness, "I had to sit there and wait as I felt my stomach rot into my back! It was horrible!!" He finished.

Sanji x (Eating Disorder!)(Plus Size!)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now