Chapter 9

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Trigger Warning:


Parental Abuse

Panic Attack

"General Seven, we are ready to set sail at your order" a man with blonde hair solutes.

"Ok," the brunette woman responded before lifting her wrist to her mouth to speak into the personal transponder snail, " Sir, we are leaving port now. I will provide field reports to Dr. Silva daily or as needed."

"Don't come back empty handed, Seven" the Bull commanded as she lowers her transponder snail. "ALRIGHT, LETS HUNT SOME DEVILS!!!!", Seven cheered as the crew from the Bulls estate set sail, trailing after their prey.

You wake up with sunlight streaming in through the window. As you stretch with your arms far above your head, your stomach growls. "God Fucking damn it" you whisper as to not wake up the other two girls that you were sharing a room with.

You quietly make your way out of the room and begrudgingly make your way to the kitchen and dining area of the Sunny. You shyly peak through the circular window of the kitchen door and sigh in relief when you notice that the room in empty. Entering the room, you mope your way through, deciding best not to touch the blonde cooks equipment and opting to grab an apple out of a barrel.

You take your time, slowly eating bite after bite, just waiting for it to be over. Half way through, your thoughts mixed with the back and forth rocking of the ship caused you to grow a horrible sick feeling. When you can't take it any longer, you drop the apple on the dinning table, and bolt out of the room, through the door and over the the side railing of the ship. Even after the chewed up reminants of your morning apple ejected from your stomach, you continued to uncontrollably force up stomach acid, burning your throat and mouth.

Sanji woke up to the distant sound of puking. Worried, he quickly climbed the ladder leading to the barracks door and entered the main deck of the ship. He looked around before spotting you standing back up after being bend over the ships railing.

He walking up to you, " ok?" He asked while lighting his first cigarette of the morning.

You turn around to see Sanji, leaning against the wall, lighting his cigarette. "Yeah, I'm fine." you respond distantly, "Those are really bad for your lungs, you know, be careful, ok??" You added with a small, awkward smile.

"HA!! Says you right? What do you know about health??" He snarled back causing your smile to fall. "Sorry for the disturbance" you said walking back to your room with Robin and Nami.

Sanji in turn entered his kitchen. Walking it he was immediately greeted by his lovely wooden table. Examining the room his mood shifted. 'That careless little...!!!' He thought while storming out the door.

After exiting the kitchen, Sanji immediately spotted your back still heading back to your room. As he look long purposeful strides he yelled domineeringly, "YOU!!!!! YOU CARELESS IDIOT!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!"

At this point he was directing in front of you, temper boiling over in your face. "HOW DARE YOU ENTER MY KITCHEN!!!" He screamed

"I-I-I'm sorry, I'm s-so sorry, I-", you stammered in shock at the sudden outburst. As you continued to get yelled at you backed up attempting to separate from the rage filled man in front of you. Your back very quickly pressing up against the wall outside your barracks.

Your knees gave out as you slid down the wall causing you to curl in to a sitting position with your knees to your chest. You brace your arms over your head as you began to sob.

"HOW DARE YOU LEAVE HALF EATEN FOOD IN MY KITCHEN!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!" Sanji's screams began to fade out as memories from your childhood took over your senses.

A small chubby child sat crouching and hiding in the corner of a sunset lit room. Her arms covering her head as sobs racked her body. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mama I'm sorry", she whispered her repeated mantra of apologies.

An older woman standing a few feet from her screaming," ITS YOUR FAULT, IF YOU WEREN'T SO DISGUSTINGLY FAT, YOUR FATHER WOULD HAVE STAYED WITH US!! THIS IS YOUR FAULT, YOU DEMON CHILD!!!!! YOURE WORTHLESS!!! DISGUSTING!!! A WAIST OF SPACE, HOW DARE YOU TAKE UP A PLACE AT MY TABLE!!!!" The last few statements were punctuated by thrown objects in the small girls direction.

The soundly sleeping Straw Hat crew was suddenly awakened by screaming on the main deck of the ship except for Luffy and Usopp. The now wide awake crew scurrying to reach the top deck.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" you whispered repeatedly as you rocked back and forth still in that same position while shaking your head side to side in panic.

Nami and Robin ran out to see your state on the floor, followed by Sanji's continued screams. "HOW DARE YOU LEAVE FOOD ON MY TABLE!!! I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO BE A PROBLEM!!"

After Sanji finished that last statement the boys made it to the top deck and immediately leapt into action reminding the girls to follow suit. Robin using her devil fruit powers made arms appear around Sanji's body and restrain him.

"HEY, hey, Sanji, that's enough!!" Franky yelled as he pulled Sanji back away from you.

As he was pulled back, Nami stepped in front of you facing Sanji with her arms spread out as to cover you. Chopper sprinted Next to you and Zoro stood to the side where he could survey the commotion with a hand in his swords just in case he needed to step in.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Mama I'm sorry", you continued to repeat, no longer aware of your surroundings. Chopper looked you over before attempting to walk you through breathing exercises, but you couldn't hear him.

"SANJI STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!", Nami scream in a desperate plea. Hearing his name screamed, Sanji snaps out of his rage filled haze. Immediately, Sanji realizes that he is restrained before looking at Nami.

Unable to control your breathing, you loose consciousness. Sanji quickly moved his attention from Nami to your now limp body. With in seconds, his face went from Rage to confusion to pure and utter regret. The realization of not only his exaggerated reaction but of how you cowered away flooded his mind.

Franky and Robin released their hold on him and Sanji fell back on the mast bench behind him. His expression still showing extreme amounts of shock, self-anger, and regret.

"Zoro can you put her in bed in the girls barrocks please? Thank you" Chopper asked. Zoro nonchalantly approached your unconscious body and lifted you over his shoulder with ease and put you to bed in your barracks. After covering your sleeping form with a blanket, he swiftly left the room to oversee the conversation outside.

"SANJI WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" Nami yelled in disbelief.

"Sanji-San what happened?" Franky asked.

"I guess I've just held in a lot of frustration the last few days, and this morning she left half eaten food on the table and I just snapped." Sanji calmly explained.

"You're unbelievable, why are you so worked up over her weight?? You have no idea why she's big, besides she gorgeous regardless. Just leave her be, especially since you know nothing about her, none of us do!" Nami disappointedly scolded before her, Robin and Franky all head to the aquarium room to relax that morning.

Chopper decided to just to sigh and then enter the girls barracks to check on you. And lastly, Zoro started walking back towards the male barracks but stopped next to Sanji.

"What do you want..." Sanji deadpanned.

Zoro looked away and grit him teeth slightly, " You're better than that, don't make Luffy scold you..."

"Shut the fuck up you dumbass" Sanji gritted out, as regret flooded his body further.

Zoro, walked back down to the male barracks and went back to sleep. Sanji immediately went to the kitchen, sat down at the dinning table, and picked up your half eaten apple. Sanji sat their mulling over his outburst and slowly eating a half eaten, partially browned apple to completion before building his breakfast feast.

(Speacial thank you to by boyfriend for motivating me to write again and helping me pick out certain words. I love you Rae!! Thank you my love!!)

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