Chapter 10

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(AN. Again sorry that it's unedited, I don't got that kinda energy, this is the only way I'm getting chapters out.)

You wake up with light from over head blurring in your vision. "Ahh, you're awake that's great! How are you feeling?" Chopper chimed from beside you.

"How long was I out??" You asked sleepily while rubbing your eyes and scratching your head. You stretch and yawn waiting for a response.

"Just a few minutes, you had us all worried though." Chopper admitted.

"I'm sure not everyone...."you mumbled under your breath.

"Yes, even Sanji." He corrected you. "What he did to you was inexcusable, and all of us are really sorry about his behavior. We have never known him to act this distastefully."

"It's not like it's any of your fault.... It's mine" you started to respond but finished in a whisper.

"(Y/n), you do not force Sanji to react that way, that is not your fault." Chopper reassured you as best he could, "while I have you here, I want to talk to you about your blood work we did yesterday. There are a few things worrying me. Your thyroid, liver enzyme, and cholesterol levels are extremely low. Do you have any conditions that I should know about as your new doctor?"

You stiffened as Chopper began to mention your lab results. "I, ummm....., No, I'm completely normal as far as I know, just lack self control when it comes to limiting my eating, as you can see"

Choppers eyes narrowed slightly, but as he spoke me smiled slightly, "ok, thank you for letting me know, you can always come here if you have concerns or if you just want a friend. My door is always open!"

"Thank you, Dr. Chopper" you murder before leaving the room and heading out on the deck.

"(Y/NNNNNN)!!!!!" Nami calls out while running up to you and throwing her arms around your body. "OMG, I was so worried!! Are you ok?? Do you need anything?? What happened??" She interrogated.

"Namii~~ I'm fine, thank you." You chuckled out.  "I just don't take to well to being screamed at or disappointed people."

"Well that stupid cook can be as disappointed as he wants but what he thinks doesn't matter ok?? Just try to relax today alright?? I have to go work on a project but go explore, do your own thing." Nami reassured you before walking away.

You walked up to the top level of the ship, continuing past the kitchen to the back railing, you find Luffy laying down and watching the foam trails that the Sunny leaves behind her. "Hey Luffy!! Can I sit with you??" You asked shyly.

"Huh?? Oh, Yeah, I don't mind!!" He responded with a big goofy smile.

You give his a small smile back as well as a "thank you" before copying his posture and laying down on your stomach with your head past the railing looking down at the water.

"Woah!!" You smiled largely, "It's so pretty"

Luffy looked over at you and watched you as you layed down beside him. "Isn't the Sunny so cool!!! That's my ship for ya!!" He replied.

'I knew she was a good person' he thought before you both fell in silence and watching as the Sunny moved through the water. You took turns pointing out fish and other shadows under the water.

After sitting with Luffy for a while, you hear foot steps approaching you from your right....

Sanji sighed in the kitchen. "Well at least breakfast is done" he said to himself. He set the table before leaving to tell the crew breakfast was ready. After 2 minutes, he managed to tell everyone except for you and Luffy. Sanji made his way to the back of the ship to find Luffy and you laying on the deck watching the water and talking and laughing every few seconds.

Sanji x (Eating Disorder!)(Plus Size!)ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now