Chapter 1.

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~Sebastian's P.O.V.~

It has been 125 years since Ciel's death. The year now is 2015. January 20th to be exact.

For the past few years I've worked for many modeling companies. I've also decided that I would befriend Claude. He's getting better at his emotions, still needs to work on it a bit though. He also decided he would model with me.

We eventually got bored with just plain modeling and to keep my mind off of things, we decided we would try out high school. I mean, why the hell not? Being demons we could easily make ourselves appear younger, but since we started modeling we've been doing it anyways. We started high school as Juniors, almost finished actually.

Most of the girls at the school fawn over Claude and I because of either our looks, or the fact that we're rich from modeling so much. It's disgusting actually, these humans fawning and worshiping something as simple as appearance.

While Claude and I were walking down the hall to class, Melody jumped out of no where and hugged me.

"Hey Sebastian!" She yelled and smiled. I sighed and hugged her back, not bending over like I would Ciel because of her height. She's my girlfriend. *sigh* I don't want her to be, but if 125 years won't take Ciel off my mind.. I don't know..

"Hello Melody." I chuckled. Her green eyes light up as her dark brown hair falls in front of her face, then she fixes the sunglasses on her head to hold it back. She's a prep. One of the groups I hate most of this school. I continue to smile at her though. "You seem excited."

"I am! I got an A on my exam!" She squeaked.

"I'm going to class." Claude sighed and nodded to me, ignoring Melody. He doesn't like her much either. "I'll see you there Michaelis."

"Later Faustus." I called after him as he walked away, leaving me with this siren. "That's great Melody." I sighed and walked across the hall to my locker.

"Hey Sebs?"


"Can you help me with my locker? It's stuck." She said, yanking at her locker door with the lock by her feet.

"We really need to fix this dent soon you can open it." I said, walking over and examining it.

"Yeah. I'll get the janitor later." She said, leaning against the locker with her phone in her right hand.

I sighed and yanked it open, then punched the dent from the inside to make it go back to normal. "There, now you won't have trouble with it again."

"Thanks Sebby!" She said hugging me.

I pushed her away and walked away, unable to listen to that nickname again, and my smile dropped to a frown. "Don't call me that." I mumbled then walked to class, looking at the floor the whole time then walked into my biology I class and sat next to Claude.

"What's wrong Michaelis?"

"Nothing.. memories.." I said and laid my head on the desk.

"She's probably going to snap at you for that. I heard it all the way in here." He said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.

"I don't care. I'll dump her ass. We both dislike her anyways." I sighed and sat up as Mr. Grissom walked into the room.

"Then why the hell are you dating her?" He whispered.

"Because I thought it would take my mind off of Ciel." It was my turn to sit back and cross my arms.

"Well well, Sebastian and Claude seem to be matching today." Mr. Grissom said as he looked to us.

I looked over to Claude to see him wearing the exact same grey and black striped shirt as me except without the scarf and back jeans with black and white All stars.

"Well I assure you, we didn't intend it." We said in unison then glared at eachother.

Mr. Grissom laughed then started to take roll. Then I felt something familiar. It was like.. once I felt it I jolted. Then it was gone.

I raised my hand until Mr. Grissom looked to my direction. "Yes Sebastian?"

"Would it be alright if I go to the bathroom?"

"Of course."

I nodded and got up to walk out of the room. Once I did I leaned on the wall and took a deep breath.

Might as well go to the bathroom.

I continued walking down the hall until someone bumped into me and fell, papers flying everywhere and me landing on top of this person.

"I deeply apologize. " I say as I sit up and start to pick up the papers without looking at him/her.

"I'm so stupid. Ugh could you help me find a classroom please? I don't know where to go, I'm new." the boy said. I felt as if I knew the voice then when I turned around... I saw him... Ciel.. the boy I loved so dearly and still Do...


So that's the new update for the sequel! I hope you guys like it! Let me know if you do! Y'all are amazing!!! I love you amazing peoples!!!! Cx

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