Chapter 9.

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After a few weeks, everything started to sort out.

Sebastian was proved innocent and finally returned back to Ciel.

Claude was free of charge, being he weaved his way through everything, like the spider he is.

Melody ended up in Juvy for quite a while, which gave the couple a loooong break from her drama.

Soon, everything went back to normal and both of the couples enjoyed the time they had free of Melody.. They could finally relax and go back to the school without worrying about what she would do to Ciel again, or try to do to sabotage Sebastian and Ciel's relationship.. Speaking of school, it was coming to and end for the summer, and here is where we will pause and have someone else tell their side of the story besides the narrator that no one knows.

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Alois' P.O.V.

"CLAUDE!!!" I yelled, running down the halls of the school and pushing everyone aside that got in my way. Well.. until I saw Sebastian and Ciel. I just bolted over to Ciel and shoved my report card in his face. "LOOK AT THAT SMARTASS!! AND YOU SAID I COULDN'T DO IT!! HA!!" I yelled and danced around for a moment, then snatched my paper back and ran down the halls again to resume my search for Claude, and as usual.. I found him in the gym, playing basketball on his own and shooting the basketballs straight through the hoops.

When I walked in, he glanced behind him and gave me a small smile. Well... Someone's in a good mood.. I thought to myself and smiled widely as I skipped up to him and showed him my paper. "Look! I finally got all A's!!" I piped happily as he wiped his forehead of his sweat with the end of his shirt and took my report card and scanned over it-after putting his glasses on of course.

"Good job.. but it seems that you've read one wrong.. You have a C in Geometry.." Claude said, peaking down at me over my paper.

"WHAT?!?!?!" I nearly yelled, feeling my heart drop as I took the paper and held it with a death grip until I read over it, then glared up to Claude. "It says 97 fucktart!!" I said and pouted a bit, crossing my arms over my chest.

Claude raised an eyebrow and pushed his glasses onto the bridge of his nose again, being they were sliding from the sweat building up on his nose and forehead once more. "Fucktart? What the hell, Alois?" He asked, making me frown a bit and I leaned up on my toes, acting as if I was about to slap him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me close. "I know what it says. I was teasing you." He said, giving another small smile before leaning down and pressed his lips against mine for a moment, then I, surprisingly, pulled away after a few moments.

"Come on, let's go home already.. You have your first game tonight, and I want to spend some time with you before coming back here." I said and started walking to the door, glancing at Claude over my shoulder. He smirked a bit and bowed his head before glancing back up to me.

"Yes, your highness."

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Ciel's P.O.V.

After Alois practically raped my face with his report card, I glanced up to Sebastian with a small frown, then sighed and rubbed my temples. "I swear.. I know he's my brother.. but he annoys the piss out of me sometimes.." He said and was about to say something until Sebastian smirked and randomly grabbed Ciel, while they were walking through the crowded halls, and randomly twirled him around, then dipped him and his smirk melted into a smile.

"You, sir, need to lighten up again." Sebastian said, and before I could even begin to open my mouth to argue, he kissed me passionately, yet softly at the same time, causing a few people in the halls to say 'Awwww!!!' or 'GOALS!!' and it made me blush like no other.

After he lifted me back up and pulled away, I bit my lip and looked down to hide my blush. Damn it was so embarrassing.. but me blushing also made me wonder if I could make Sebastian blush. My head shot up and I glanced up to see Sebastian waving at some random person that waved at him. How am I going to make him blush... Think Ciel! Damn.. I got nothing!  I sighed and chewed on my lip while I still had it between my teeth and crossed my arms and looked down at the floor, obviously thinking thoroughly about what he could do but was cut off when Sebastian waved his hand in front of my eye.

"Are you alright, love?" Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow as a few strands of his bangs slid down from behind his ear to try and cover his beautiful crimson eyes, which made me frown and tuck them back behind his ear and earned a small smile from him.

"Yes, I'm alright. I'm just thinking about something.." I said, giving him a small smile in return.

"And what's that?"

"What's what?"


"What were we talking about?"

"I honestly don't even know anymore." Sebastian chuckled and shook his head before taking my hand and lead me out of the school to his car, which made me give a small sigh in relief that he didn't make me tell him what I was thinking about.. He never really does that though unless there's something upsetting me, then he'll do anything he can to get whatever is bothering me out of my mind so he can comfort me and try to make me forget about it.. I can't even begin to describe how amazing Sebastian is to me.. He's absolutely perfect as well.. He didn't even know how to put it or if he could even begin to describe how much he loved the demon..

Once we got to the car, we got in and started the drive back to my house, and as usual, I grabbed Sebastian's hand and held it in my lap, and he happily let me do it. "Why don't we go do something later tonight.. Like go out to dinner or watch a movie or something?" I asked, looking up to him from our hands and gave a small smile.

Sebastian raised an eyebrow and chuckled a bit and shifted his gaze between the road and I. "Are you asking me on a date? If so, I'd gladly accept, but you're stealing my words.." He said and winked at me, and that just made a sudden warm rush shoot through my body and I could feel my cheeks turning red.. Hell, they were on fire now.. I quickly turned my head away and kept my gaze to the window.

"S-Shut up already and let's go home.." I said, not even taking notice that I was gripping Sebastian's hand tighter than I already was.

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HEY GUYS!! Again I sincerely apologize for not updating earlier and that there isn't really much in this chapter! I've been busy dealing with family issues, and school shit and I had a severe case of writers block!! GOOD NEWS!! I have a new laptop so I should be able to get my updates through a lot faster than I was able to on my phone.. Yes.. I was using a phone to write every bit of this fanfic and my first one.. the struggle was real.. BUT AS I SAID, I HAVE A NEW LAPTOP SO WOO!!

ALSO!! If you have anything that you would like to happen in this fanfic, please let me know by commenting or message me and I'll see what I can do!!



                                                                    Cheesy writer cx

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