Return of a Hero!

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*Third Person*

It had been a year sense the z warriors were on planet Namek. They were living in peace waiting for Goku to return after find out he was alive. It all came to an end as the felt Frieza arrival looming over them as his ship lands on the surface of Earth. The Z warriors were close by felt fear for what come. It wasn't just Frieza that they had to deal with it was his father King Cold to who was just as powerful or even more so.

Frieza smiled as he and his father step off their ship and he smiles thinking with a laugh, 'Once Kakarrot arrives he will find everything and everyone he loves dead.'

Yelling out at his men ordering them, "Go forth mean a kill everything on the planet leave nothing alive!"

"YES, SIR!!" The warriors to scream only to stop as two mysterious figure blocked their way.

One of them was a boy who was wearing a black full body suit with a blue capsule corp jack, white clip on belt, yellow boots, and a sword in it's sheath on his back. He had purple gray hair and blue eyes with a blank face as he stares at Frieza and his mean.

The other one next to him was a girl who was wearing an identical out fit to Goku's orange gi top, orange bottoms, similar boots exact match that were blue and red, blue wristbands, blue belt and a red staff in an orange sheathed on her back. Her hair was short black hair in a bob style with a orange headband.

Frieza started at them questioning, "What do you want, Earthlings?"

In an emotionless voice the boy answered, "We're here to kill you..."

This answer shocked not only Frieza but the others as well. It only caused Frieza to start laughing robotically asking him, "You're here to kill us? Do you know who I am?"

The girl answered this time with with same expressionless face and crossed her arms, "Yes... You're Frieza aren't you?"

This made Frieza smile smugly at the two Earthlings that seemed to know who he was, but still chose to defy him. The tyrant looked at them amusedly answered the two, "Yes... Even aliens beyond the Milky Way know that... but too bad you don't know the extent of my power... "

He sneakered at the two turning to only one of his men that looked like a Fish giving him an order, "Deal with them..."

"Yes Sir!" He stepped forward charging a blaster on his arm with a smile glancing at the two.

Frieza turned to the rest of them ordering, "As for the rest of you take care of the Earthlings."

The crew member had a sly smirk saying quietly to himself after checking his scouter, "Power level '5' worthless pieces of trash."

He fired to blast at each of them in a blink both of them defected each of the blasts away. The girl didn't move standing in the same spot her arms still crossed and expressionless face. As for the boy was gone in a blink seeming to disappear. He reappeared after attacking the alien seeming to hitting him and making the soldier fly backward hitting Frieza's space ship killing him alien as he was dead.

Frieza was shocked up was still amused as he looked at the boy seeming go ignore the other mysterious stranger staring at him in interest letting out a small praise, "Oh...? Hmm..."

All the other soldiers grew angry as the leader of the troops yelled out, "Charge!"

They all started the charge at the mysterious boy only for him to grabbed the sword in a swift almost impossible to see movements unless you were really looking killing all Frieza's warriors before sheathing his once again on his back. The only ones left were Frieza and his father and both the two mysterious figures.

Transcending Time ~Book 1~ (A DBZ Story)Where stories live. Discover now