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Bismarck's POV

once we found our attempt to escape the tsunami of ice futile,we were swallowed up by the wave of sharp ice but before we could be crushed,I found myself in a completely different area from where we were,I was perfectly fine,though a few of my joints hurt,I found myself,surrounded by massive and tall icebergs,snow and more ocean

my allies were nowhere to be seen and I had no idea as to where I was,all I did know was,that I was alone here and my allies we're most likely somewhere close by,I decided to head out quickly in hopes of finding someone and avoiding any enemies that might be around as I was in no shape or in any position to be taking fights 

the situation was definitely very dire,with Me weakened,alone and lost,my allies nowhere to be found,the enemy possibly being anywhere and my Brother's condition unknown,we couldn't be any weaker than we already were as I sailed through paths and open area of the icebergs to make any sense of where I was or find anybody

occasionally,as I sailed around,aircraft from the 4 major factions would soar over head,seemingly missing Me as I hid from Azur Lane aircraft while trying to catch the attention of the aircraft of my allies to no avail

the best I could do was follow the ones that were seemingly returning to their Carrier,which would in turn lead Me to wherever an allied Carrier was as I followed a few of them back,as I followed the aircraft,I ended up reaching multiple different paths,that split up into 2-3 or even more routes,which severely added to my troubles of being lost as I now had to pick random paths and hope they would lead me to someone or somewhere 

as I sailed through the icy waters,I went through multiple different paths and directions in hopes of finding anyone,that could help Me as I was still moving towards the direction of the returning aircraft but still haven't found anyone 

the possibilities of enemies appearing were very high and in my current condition,being fatigued,tired and weakened,their shot at taking Me down,couldn't be higher than it already was,meaning I needed to find anyone's help and fast to at least be sure,that someone had my back when I needed it

with a string of luck as I continued to sail forward with the same goal in mind,I was able to encounter someone as I saw a figure in the distance,sailing in the same direction I was as I quickly moved fast to approach them

the person noticed my presence and turned their attention to Me,allowing Me to see their face as I immediately recognized the person to be my Schwester Tirpitz,who seemingly was doing the same thing I was doing,of following the returning aircraft back to their Carrier as the two of us approached each other with haste


Tirpitz:Schwester,thank goodness you're alright

Bismarck:I'm glad to see your alright as well,where is the rest of the fleet

Tirpitz:scattered,everyone is everywhere,including Azur Lane,the fleet is assembling near the edge of the icebergs in a defensible formation

Bismarck:where are we

Tirpitz:we're in the Arctics,Schwester,we need to move,we're not safe here

Bismarck:what about Brother

Tirpitz:we still haven't found him,which is why I've joined the search fleets

Bismarck:then forget bringing Me back to the fleet for now,let's go find Brother first

Tirpitz:are you sure,you should go rest first

Bismarck:I'll be fine,our priority should be finding Brother before anything else,knowing what happened,he's probably more weakened than we are,which means he's vulnerable,we can't let Azur Lane get to him before we can

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