Truce of Azur & Iron

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Berlin's POV

following Schwester Tirpitz back to base with Z46 right by my side,we quickly returned and was quickly greeted by everyone on the base as I was quickly picked up by Ms.Friedrich and smothered in chest while Ms.Zeppelin checked up on Z46

Schwester Bismarck,having been worried the entire time,came out of her office and rushed to us as she came to check on Me,briefly explaining to her what happened and and giving her a vague hint as to where I and Z46 went when we left,we proceeded to head towards more important matters once everything was sorted

going to the bases meeting room,I was introduced to some Iron Blood ships I had never met before,named Agir,Odin,Mainz and August Von Parseval,their reaction to Me was typical and expected with curiosity and surprise evident on their face when I was introduced 

Ms.Agir seemed to take it much better than the others as she was much more direct in showing her feeling towards Me as she had picked Me up without warning and coddled Me,seemingly to Ms.Friedrichs annoyance and jealousy,which I assumed from her expression at the time

along with them,the meeting room was filled with Iron Blood's officers as we were to discuss what to do now,now that we know that the Sakura Empire has turned to the Sirens for help,having left prior to this discussion,it was clear to everyone that I do not approve of any coalition with the Sakura Empire while they have the Orochi as it spelled doom for humanity

we had many options in front of us,each were viable,some more so than others while some we're less appealing then the rest,naturally everyone had their opinions but Me and Z46 had a shared opinion as we had already discussed this same situation with each other while we were gone 

between all our options,only one really made sense and was the most beneficial to all sides,after seeing the Orochi,I was somewhat doubtful that I would be able to take it on alone,I didn't how much firepower it was carrying and it had a flight on the back,which meant it had aircraft and it was doubtful that they would send it out alone it would definitely be sent out with a escort group,a sizeable to large one in order to ensure it's safety

our best option was to rejoin Azur Lane and work together to destroy the Orochi,our best chances are found when we're together,the only problem was that Iron blood is prideful,for battle it's great as it keep morale high but situations like this would severely hinder us because of this pride,it blinds us and causes us to fail to see the dangers and right choices we need

I've seen this flaw for a long time now and I managed to help only a few others realize it,so as much as possible,I tried to control this problem and make sure that it never caused any kind of problems for Me or for anyone

despite having my mind made up,I kept quiet for the time being as I wanted to hear what the other had to say as I may find other possible alternatives that could work just better or as well as my idea

Bismarck:is everyone here

Eugen:everyone's accounted for Lord Bismarck

Bismarck:good then,let's get straight to the point,I assume everyone knows what this meeting is about

Zeppelin:we need to decide what to do moving forward

Friedrich:yes,Sakura Empire has showed weakness and turned to our enemy for help,using their strength in place of their own,as Berlin has shown prior,further association with them is non negotiable for them,thus we need a new approach for the war

Tirpitz:our first priority is to take down the Orochi,it'll take the Sakura Empire a while to break it out of the ice prison that Berlin put it in thus we have some time to make some moves

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