Discussion and Relaxation

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Berlin's POV

it was very dark in the place that I stood,it was very,very dark,it was cold,it was silent and it was eerie as I stood on nothing,I floated in the infinite nothingness as I was incapable of moving or making noise,there was nothing around Me as I looked around for any sign of existence but this place was completely empty,no light,no land,no people,absolutely devoid of any existence

I didn't know how I got here and I didn't know if I could get out,there was no visible exit or path,there was nothing at all as I floated in the darkness,I closed my eyes for a second and suddenly felt a cold breeze,brush by Me as I open my eyes,I was met by a completely new terrain as I stood  on solid ground,instead of floating in the abyss of darkness

there was snow all around Me,snow as far as the eye can see,but all that snow was behind Me as a large ocean stood in front of Me,it's large expanse was limitless as medium sized waves crashed on the surface of the water,pieces of ice floated on the water as massive spiked icebergs floated in the far distance,snow floated down from the sky as it added more to the thick layers of snow behind Me

all of sudden I felt a shift of change as I look down and see,that I was no longer in the snow as I stood on a beach of ice,an entire coastline opened up from the removal of snow as it gave a very small idea of how big the landmass I stood on,really was,snow stopped falling on the coastline but continued to fall on the ground behind Me as the snow continued to rise in height,earning more layers as time passed

I looked to the ocean in front of me and to my surprise,saw a figure stand on the water with a rig equipped,I took one good look at the figure and instantly recognized it,it was a male figure,the same height as Me With snow white hair and sharp golden colored eyes,he wore a white uniform with white pants and winter boots,similar to mine as he held my spear in his hand,he had the same exact rigging as Me but the eyes of his dragon heads had become silver instead of the normal gold color

I looked to the ocean in front of me and to my surprise,saw a figure stand on the water with a rig equipped,I took one good look at the figure and instantly recognized it,it was a male figure,the same height as Me With snow white hair and sharp go...

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it was Me but with sharp golden colored eyes,it was like,looking into a mirror,my doppelganger stood in front of me on the ocean's surface as he looked at me with a emotionless expression on his face,I shot him a curious look as I question the reason,to why,I was here,his response was raising his spear at Me as the 6 dragon heads to his side,opened their mouths,dawning the 50 inch cannons inside

balls of blue light formed in the mouths of the dragon heads as the doppelganger continued to look at Me,his face still portrayed no emotion as his eyes lightly glowed gold,it was obvious,that he was threatening Me as the probable attack in the dragon's mouth continued to charge,I straightened myself and stood firmly in place as I refused to back down from the challenge presented to Me

the doppelganger fired the 6 balls of light at Me as I calmly summoned my spear and deflected each attack,the 6 balls of light landed in separate directions as they exploded into large spiked icebergs,behind Me,I calmly looked at the doppelganger,who still portrayed no emotion but stood up straight,his rigging lowered itself and closed its mouth as if it was bowing down,the doppelganger's spear disappeared from his hand as he then pointed to my spear,I looked to my weapon before looking looking back to the clone as I unsummoned my spear,then looking to the doppelganger

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