A Day in Iron Blood

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Author:goddamn this is the fastest growing story I've ever made,you guys must really love Iron Blood,it makes sense since there's not a lot of good Iron Blood story on Wattpad,so here you all go,a new chapter,this is the last premade chapter I have so you'll all have to wait for the next one,anyways,onto the chapter


Berlin's POV

I could feel the warmth of light breathing around Me as I slowly wake up,I slowly opened my eyes as I readjusted my vision,I remembered,falling asleep on Schwester Bismarck,after having a talk with her,in my secret spot on the base,I remembered how she told Me,that she remembered Me and that she didn't hate Me,like I thought she did,right now,I felt like,I was laying on something soft,something was on Me as I felt extra weight on Me,I finally opened my eyes as the first thing I see was the color black,I moved my head a bit,I looked around a bit as I noticed that I was tucked into a blanket,I looked up as I quickly realized,where I was,in front of Me was my Schwester Bismarck,I saw her sleeping face,she was fast asleep as she breathed lightly,I shifted my eyes and tilted my head a bit,to look behind Me as I saw my Schwester Tirpitz,she had her arms around Me as she was using Me as hug pillow,they were both wearing similar clothes,being a tank top and shorts of opposite colors,Lord Bismarck,wearing black and Schwester Tirpitz,wearing white,even my clothes had changed as I was now also,wearing a white tank top,I looked around,making as little movements as possible,as I didn't want to wake up,Schwester,I looked around the room with the limited vision I had as I mapped out the room,there were 2 closets,side by side,a large bed,where we were currently laying down,there was a work desk with multiple pieces of paper and a wooden chair,there were 2 windows,that were being covered by large curtains,there was a large mirror,a few cabinets,multiple glass cases with medals and a golden glass case,with a piece of paper inside

after examining,the room,I decided,that it was time for Me to get up and get ready for the day,judging by the minimal,light,coming from the windows,I could assume,that it was still early,maybe around 3:00-4:00 in the morning,I tried to get up but Schwesters,arms were stopping Me,I tried to slip away but trying to leave,seemed to be waking her up as she pulled Me in closer and hugged Me tighter,I looked for a way to get out as I got an idea,I lifted my head up and grabbed the pillow,I was laying on as I used my superior speed and quickly swapped myself with the pillow as Schwester was now hugging the pillow,instead of Me while I stood in the middle of the room,I looked over to the chair,that was near the desk,I saw my uniform,neatly folded on it,I grabbed my clothes and quickly changed as I grabbed my cap,that was on the desk as I checked myself in the mirror,I fixed my hair with my hand as I looked back to my Schwester,who were still fast asleep,I then left the room and entered the hallway,I walked through the hall as I was able to look out a window,and just like how I assumed,the sky outside was still dark,meaning it was still early in the day,the sun had not risen yet,so everyone was most likely,still asleep,meaning I was technically,free to do as I wish

I walked downstairs and left the main building as I went outside,I breathed in the cold air as I instinctively walked to the docks,I went to the port,I looked at the line of ships,all docked in port as I noticed the few spaces,that were empty,then I looked at my ship,that wasn't docked into any space,I left it anchored,just a few meters away from the dock,since none of the spaces,would be able to fit my ship,I took notice,that the damage from the ambush from 2 years ago,was completely gone,there were no holes in my ship and my armor look brand new,my cannons had been polished and my deck had been cleaned,I had assumed,that Schwester Bismarck had given the order,to the manjuu's to fix my ship,which would explain the repairs,my conning tower and radar had been fixed as well has the glass and some equipment in my bridge,my ship looked brand new as I looked out to the ocean,I looked around the docks,to see if anyone was around and to no ones surprise,no one was here,except Me,I jumped onto the water and quickly surfed away from the base as I looked at the horizon,I wanted to go,to spot,I found near the base,where I could watch the sunrise,so I sailed out at my cruising speed of 100 knots

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