The Deception & The Truth

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Berlin's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt an aching pain in my entire body,I pushed through the pain to open my eyes,so I could see where I was as all I could remember before passing out was jumping head first into some kind of hole or vortex

when I was able to fully open my eyes,despite my constant wincing,I found myself in some kind of wooden room with floral designs on the wall and double sliding wooden doors with square patterns

I could only assume,that I was in a room inside the Sakura Empire base,I could probably say that I was in the guest building if I had to guess as I tried to sit up to further inspect the room and my situation despite the very noticeable pain across my entire body as every part of Me ached as I groaned in pain and annoyance while I continued to fight though the pain

before I could even try to sit up though,I stopped when I heard a familiar worried voice call my name,I weakly turned my head to look at the source of the voice as I heard a quick shuffle towards Me as I looked to see,Z46 coming towards Me in a hurry and with a very worried expression on her face as she kneeled down to get closer to Me



Z46:oh,thank god your alright,I was so worried,you weren't waking up were getting weaker and..............that repair ship said that your energy was getting weaker and weaker and-

she stopped abruptly and in mid sentence as she sniffled while tears began to roll down her eyes,I must have been in some serious problem and she must have been so worried if she's crying in relief by just seeing Me awake 

though I still wondered what had happened while I was knocked out,my natural instinct to calm down,Z46 naturally kicked in as naturally as I breathed since my arm fought through the pain of my aching body to pat her head and wipe her tears in order to calm her down

I gave her a reassuring smile as I cupped her cheek while she held onto my hand with both of hers,keeping my hand close to her cheek before she pulled away one hand to wipe away her tears with her sleeve before she then quickly close the space between us to quickly hug Me,which just as quickly spike the aching pain in my body 

though the pain I felt was extreme,I kept quiet as to not further worry Z46 who was crying to my shoulder now,most likely still worried or bothered by whatever it was she was told or knew while I was asleep as I continued to fight through the pain until Z46 could calm down and ease up from the worrying

when she came to and calmed down as she wiped the remaining tears from her face,she helped Me to sit up as the pain my body eased up and slowly disappeared as Z46 continued to hold onto my hand,refusing to let go as I didn't bother to question it and instead question the more important things

Berlin:Z46,I know your worried about Me but I need to know what happened

Z46:well,we're not quite sure either,you went berserk and lost control in the Mirror Sea,releasing so much energy the Sea collapsed from their being too much power,we ended up in the Arctic Sea when we all came to,we searched for you and after a while,we found you falling out of the sky from a rift of the Mirror Sea

Berlin:I..............remember,I woke up in the Mirror Sea,there was so much destruction,I jumped into a rift to escape then I passed out

Z46:Ms.Eugen carried you back to safety with Me and your Schwesters,when everyone was accounted for,we left the Arctic and came here

Berlin:the Sakura Empire base

Z46:yes,Lord Bismarck has ordered our leave once you have enough strength to set sail 

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