cure of pain - 5

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Abhi - now I am very tired .
Ahaan _ me also . Bhai let's go and sleep . She will come in night . Till time we can sleep .

Abhi - hmm

They both go to their rooms and sleep .

At 9 pm in night

Raichand mansion...

All people are doing their dinner then suddenly door is slammed open and a woman enters . she is . Of age 23 to 24 years wearing a professional buisness suit .

And she is none other than ridhima adhira raichand

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And she is none other than ridhima adhira raichand .

On seeing her enter dada and dadi roll their eyes . Aarohi and deep and naitik and akshara are seeing her in admiration and regret . And our two brothers ahaan and abhi just jumped on her and hug her tightly like their life depends on it .

Ridhima - did you miss me that much that you directly hugged me and so tight.

Abhi _ yes ridhu . Without you our life is like a body without soul .

Ridhima - oho my brother became a poet.  How this miracle happened

Abhi - nahi ridhu wo bas aise hi ...

Ridhima- really

Abhi - ha
Abhi comes out of hug but ahaan do not .

Ridhima sees abhi blushing but does not say it .

Ridhima _ ahaan what happened
Ahaan does not say anything. Ridhima and abhi understands that he missed her a lot .
Ahaan comes out of hug. And holds her hand tightly like a child .

Ridhima _ did you both had your dinner .
Ahaan _ ha di
ok so let's go .
Di did you ate

Ridhima  - yes ahaan . So let's go and sleep .

ahaan - no di today we will enjoy .we

Abhi _ ha ridhi we met after 2 months .so

Abhi ahaan - let's party

Ridhima - ok ok chalo

Trio were about to go but deep stops them.

Deep - how are you ridhima bacha

Ridhima - I am fine mr. Raichand you don't need to care about me .

Aarohi _ we Are your parents so how can we not care about you all .

Ahaan - (mumbles ) like you did in past

Aarohi and deep bows their head in shame .
Ridhima glares ahan to shut up.

Ridhima _ by the way do you have any work with me why you stopped me mr . Raichand .

Deep _ wo I wanted to tell trio that my buisness partner and his family are  coming tomorrow morning and they will stay here longer and this deal is important for our company .so

Ridhima _ your company.

Deep _ h ?(not understanding )

Ridhima _ raichand Industries is your company not mine so dare you to use word our .

Deep _ But ..

Ridhima ignores his talk

Ridhima _ I know you want all of
Usto behave as happy family in front of them .
Deep nods

Ridhima _ but his family is broken before only and now it is broken  beyond repair . Me Ahaan and abhi will be there in morning with all of you but I will behave formal only with all of you in front of them also and ahaan and abhi can decide how they want to behave .

Do now discussion is over . Good night .
And ridhima leaves to third floor .ahaan also go after ridhima .

Abhi _ I will also behave formal so don't expect anything from me .

He goes from there .

Dada and dadi naitik akshara had already left the table before discussion as they know about it before .

Only deep and aarohi are there.
Aarohi is  crying

Aarohi _ we lost our children due to our stupidity .may be our family will never be one . Ridhima said right it is broken beyond repair and starts sobbing .

Deep holds aarohi in his arms and says we had done a big mistake . It's our punishment .he is also crying

Aarohi _ but we regret na . Deep I want my Family back as together
I want ki my children again Call me ma . You know what they had stopped calling me ma . They call mrs raichand .it hurts deep it hurts .

Deep _aarohi may  be this is our punishment . Have faith in god all will be good .

Aarohi _ hmm .
Deep _ chalo aarohi ab sone chalte
Hai .
Aarohi _ ha deep .
They both goes to their room and sleep.

Somebody was listening to conversation and Is none other than
Ridhima who come down to talk with deep about room s alloting to raisinghanias

She knows that their buisness partner is none other than vr .

She listened to their talks and silently goes back to her room where ahaan and abhi are sleeping as she was not feeling well so they both decided to party lAter and take care of ridhima now but they slept  there only .

Ridhima goes to both of them and kiss their foreheads and takes their sleeping picture in her phone and goes to ahaan room to sleep as they both had taken her bed .

She sits on bed and thinks about deep and aarohi conversation.

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