𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾- 𝘶𝘯𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘷𝘰𝘸

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WHEN ALEX USED the floo to go to Greengrass manor two days later, he frowned at the empty living room. His head snapped to the door when somebody walked in.

Daphne stopped, staring at the boy.

"Hey," said Alex, cringing at his pathetic self.

Daphne immediately walked up to him with teary eyes, pushing his chest a few times. "Why didn't you reply to my letters?! I've been all alone for weeks!"

Alex softly took her wrists, looking at her. "Daphne, I didn't know this happened—"

"You would've if you opened my letters!"

"I know," agreed Alex. "Let's talk, Daphne. You can hit me all you want later. I know I deserve it."

Her tears finally started falling.

She leaned into his arms, not objecting when he put his arms around her, holding her tightly.

His shirt started getting wet with Daphne's tears, but he didn't care and started to softly rub her back, putting his chin on top of her head as he was taller.

"I'm so sorry, Daphne."

Daphne let out a sob. "I can't do this alone, Alex."

"You won't be alone. I'm not leaving."

She pulled away, staring into his eyes. "You won't?"

He shook his head, tucking her hair behind her ear. "Of course not. I'm not leaving our child."

She frowned, noticing something. "Ask whatever you want to ask."

"Are you sure the baby's mine?" Alex blurted out in uncertainty.

"You're the only person I've slept with." She replied truthfully.

Alex didn't know what to say so he just stuck with another, "I won't be leaving."

Daphne nodded, putting her head on his chest, starting to calm down a bit. "Your father won't do anything to the baby, would he?"

"He wouldn't dare," replied Alex immediately. "Don't worry about that."

"My parents don't know, Alex. I'm scared of how they'll react."

"Everything is going to be fine. I promise."

She nodded, trying to believe him.

"I should tell my father," said Alex. "Do you think you'll be okay for a few hours? I'll come back as soon as I can."

Daphne nodded again. "I'll be okay."

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"I got a girl pregnant," admitted Alex as soon as he was in the same room as his father after using the floo to go back to their manor.

Tom looked up from his paperwork. "Is she a pureblood?"


The man shrugged. "Who is she?"

"You won't do anything to her?" Alex tried making sure before he said anything else. "Or to the baby?"

"No, Alex. Quite frankly, it's none of my concern. I'm merely curious on who it is."

"Daphne Greengrass."

Tom nodded. "You'll have to marry her."

"What?" Alex's eyes widened. "I have to do what?"

"Or get betrothed. The baby's still a bastard, though."

"Don't you dare talk about my child like that," seethed Alex immediately.

"The child is already a weakness and it's not even born yet. Typical."

Alex poured himself some whiskey, drinking it in one gulp. "Should she move in with us?"

"Yes. I won't be anywhere near her, do not worry. On one condition."

"What is it?" Alex looked at the man, feeling chills send up his spine.

Tom smirked. "You'll join the war."

"And if I die?"

"You're powerful, Alex. I need you in the war. This child might've given you doubts to join already. It doesn't matter if you die, does it? Your child will be safe."

"And the mother of my child," added Alex. "She'll be safe, too?"

"I'll make the unbreakable vow."

"Fine. Let's do it."

Tom stood up. When he was near enough, he grabbed his son's wrist, holding tightly, while Alex did the same to the man's wrist.

"Wormtail!" Tom shouted.

A few seconds later, a man— whom Alex thought resembled a mouse— rushed inside, looking fearful. "Yes, my lord?"

"My heir and I need to make an unbreakable vow," explained Tom, looking at the man expectantly.

Wormtail nodded, pointing his wand at their joined hands.

Alex saw a few wisps come out of the wand.

"Do you, Alex Morfin Riddle, swear you'll join the war?" Tom asked.

"I do," nodded Alex. "Do you, Tom Marvolo Riddle, swear you'll keep my child and the mother of my child safe?"

Tom sneered at the use of his name, but nodded. "I do."

"It is done," said Wormtail, almost trembling.

"You're dismissed."

Wormtail immediately rushed out of the room.

Alex let go of the man's wrist, who did the same, and rubbed his own wrist. "And if you break your vow? Aren't you immortal?"

"I am," nodded Tom proudly. "But if I break my vow, I'm going to be a ghost again for years until somebody helps. I don't fancy that happening again."

Alex poured some whiskey again and drank it. "I've got to go," he said, rushing to the fireplace.

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