(Ch-35) Chocolate Ice Cream

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"Olivia!" I yelled as I ran out Mr Trunchbulls office, in search of my best friend.

I pushed through crowds and groups of people in search of the blond haired girl.

Distant murmurs of crowds insulted me as I pushed through them, but I made sure to apologize every time. My legs pushed as my hair frailed behind me as I climbed up the stairs seeing her reading a book on a bench.

"Olivia!" I screamed in excitement as I reached the second floor of the building.

Olivia stood up in alarm as she quickly put her book down seeing me charge at her. I ran to her and enveloped her in a tight hug making her squeak and stumble back a bit, but she processed me and hugged me back hesitantly— not knowing what was happening.

"What's wrong El?" She asked me with furrowed eyebrows when I finally let go.

"I'll explain in a moment," I nodded at her before grabbing her wrist and running to the girls bathroom making her stumble once again but she eventually caught on.

I looked left and right, making sure there was no one present before dragging Olivia into the bathroom.

I pushed open each stall to make sure it was empty, and all of them were opened except the last one but that had a broken lock so I ducked through the stall to see if anyone was inside and there was only a mop.

"What are you doing?"

I walked back to Olivia, not answering her question as I grinned at her, showcasing my teeth.

"Tyler is okay!" I squealed.

I watched a small smile evolve into a grin upon her face as she squealed along with me and enveloping me in a big hug. "O-M-G! That's great!" She let go of the hug as she looked at me. "El I'm so happy for you!"

I squealed again as my hands shook in excitement and relief, knowing that my best friend was alive.

"I need to go see him but I don't know how." I sighed as a frown overcame my features and my gaze dropped to the marble floor.

I needed to go see Tyler, I didn't know what to do but I just had to.

Perhaps after school?

Olivia and I stayed silent for a moment before she widened her eyes and shook me. "I have an idea," She murmured.

"Let's skip school and sneak out to meet him."

I widened my eyes as I looked at her in disbelief. "I'm sorry what?"

Her grin stayed persistent, not faltering one bit. "I said; let's sneak out and meet your best friend!"

I shook my head immediately. "No no no, we can't. As much as I love Tyler I can't skip school. What if I get in trouble?"

"We," she corrected, making me look at her with a confused expression. "And we won't! Besides, it'll be fun and you get to see your best friend."

I shook my head. "What do you mean by 'we'?"

"Well obviously I'm coming with you, can't have you wandering about they city alone." She retorted.

I blinked at her, "and you coming makes it better how?"

"I know my way around the city!"

"You've been here barely a year!" I exclaimed. "You don't know your way around the city. I've been here my whole life and I don't know most of the city."

"Well I can't blame you," she murmured. "LA is a big place El."

"Even if we do, skip school I mean, how are we even gonna get there?" I questioned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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