(Ch-12) His little Nugget

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I can't walk through the front door mum will see! What other option do I have? The backdoor? Nah I'm not taking the risk. Maybe the hoodie will cover it, yeah it will. It has too.

I fumbled with the keys on my ID card and finally found the right key. I unlocked the door and went inside and turned to close it. "I'm uh home." I say lowly and slowly, making sure no one can hear me. I quickly rush up the stairs trying to get to my room. "Yes Dr.Whitefield, I expect the case to be closed on Sunday morning. I will reach the court at 7:30 Am sharp." My mum spoke into the Bluetooth ear-piece which she uses for work. She was carrying a laundry basket with my clothes along with my brother's. I accidentally bumped into her while I was trying to climb up the stair and his in my room. "Oh honey, you're home, I didn't hear you." She spoke to me while I kept my head down."Sorry Dr.Whitefield, that was my daughter. I hope everything will be ok by the time I get there," She waited for a few seconds before responding with a "Mhm." or a "Yeah, no problem." She said her goodbyes and hung up the call. If you couldn't tell, my mother is a lawyer. She has this big case coming up this Sunday about some illegal trafficking and frauding.
I was about to leave when she grabbed my hand, she put down the laundry basket. "El," she removed my hoodie and hair and concern was written on her face. "Oh my goodness, El what happened?". She gasped.

I played with the hem of the sweatshirt before mumbling "Nothing." hoping she would let go of the topic. "Elainy who did this to you?" She spoke sternly."Mum!" I groaned. "I just ran into a pole ok? Nothing serious happened!" I snatched my hand off her grip and ran to my room. As soon as I reached there I slammed the door and locked it, I threw my bag across the room, not caring my laptop was in it. I brutally took off Blake's sweatshirt and threw it and it landed close to my bathroom door. I slid down against the door and pulled my knees against my chest and started sobbing vigorously.

I know, I know. You're probably thinking I'm too emotional and stuff like that. It's just that I never really get attention, now that I'm getting it. I'm not enjoying it.

I poked my head up. 'Crying isn't going to do shit.' My inside voice sneered, and for once, I agree with it- her. I got up and went to the bathroom. I decided it was better if I take a shower again, maybe it would help, even if it's just a bit. I heard some voice downstairs as I was going to my closet to grab some clothes to wear after my shower. I decided on a pair of light gray sweatpants and a pain black tank top along with a thin blue jacket with white stripes to cover up my bruises from anyone. I grabbed my underwear and went to the shower. I did the usual, hung my clothes.
I stared at myself from the mirror, and noticed some dots in my face. Acne.
"Oh shit! No! Not acne, people are going to judge more ahh!" I started pacing. I grabbed my phone and quickly texted my dad, even though it was going to be super awkward.

To Dad
:Hey dad, I need a quick favor, when you come back from work could you get me a bottle of acne treatment and cream? Thanks.
Sent 4:14pm

I hit send and put my phone on my sink, while taking my clothes off. I jumped in the shower and decided to wash my hair. And let me tell you, what a bad idea! I washed my hair and, number one the shampoo cramped in both of my eyes and started to burn like hell. 'How do you know what hell is like eh? Have you been there? Without me?!' My inside voice dramatically gasped. Nevermind her, and number two, after I washed my hair and put my clothes on, my skin started to burn in the places where I got bruises. That hurt too.
"Ow! Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow!" I paced around my room looking for some rash cream. I opened a drawer near my closet labled 'Medicine' and rummaged through it looking for the cream. I rushed downstairs looking for my mum.
"Mum!" I shrieked "Where are you?!".
"I'm in the kitchen!" She yelled from the kitchen.
"Mom!" I yelled the whole way downstairs, that is until I slipped and tripped. "Ow!". I immediately got up and ran to the kitchen. "MOOOOOOOOOOM!" I sounded like a dying chicken.
She rushed in "Must you yell?!" She stood for a second, "Oh honey, what happend to your face?" She spoke in a much softer tone.
"Mum it's burning! My face!" I shrieked as she led me to the kitchen.
"Ok calm down." I sat down on one of the high chairs of the counter.
"Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mo-" I irritated her until she responded.
"Honey hold on," She went to the refrigerator and grabbed me and ice pack."Here, hang on to this.".
"An ice pack?" I glanced up at her as I took the ice pack and put it on my cheeks. "What's a fu*king ice pack supposed to do?" I groaned.
"Language!" She sneered.
"Right, sorry." I said as I got off the chair and turned around, ready to leave.
"Go outside, sit on the swing, maybe it'll help a bit."
"What are you talking about?" I turned around.
"Well it obvious someone hurt you and you don't want to tell me. And that so called 'pole' can't hurt you that much." She gave me a reassuring smile.

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