(Ch-13) The Devil

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I zoomed out of the memory, I didn't notice the sly smile on my face in that memory. Like I thought 'What did happen, where did it all go wrong?'. I sighed and put the book in front of my window and watched the rain drops to sliding down my window. There was this particular rain drop that had caught my eye. It started off fast, woshing past all the other droplets on my window. And then, all of a sudden, it got slower. Other rain drops ran right over it, going at full speed. It was surrounded by other raindrops and suddenly they all slid down without that rain drop.

'It explains life, doesn't it?'A voice spoke up.
I turn around, nobody was there. I had a confused expression.
'Oof, can you get any dumber?' The voice spoke up again.
"Huh?" I looked around.
'I'm your inside voice, silly!"
"Right, you are. An otter." I grumbled the last part to myself.
'I have made myself a deal, and that's not to argue with your perky little arse!' She hissed.
"If you're done with your perky attitude, I'm going to go read!"
She grumbled something under her breath and left me in a peaceful state.

I continued to read for a peaceful half-hour.
"You are nothing but a arrogant man!" Elizabeth yelled on the top of her lungs.
"Who told your father to sell you off to m-me!" Argued Mr.Darcy.

"Stop arguing! The both of you!" I yelled at the book.
"Honey! Is everything ok up there!" Mum yelled form the kitchen.
"Uh yeah, sorry!" I yelled back.
I yelled way to loud than I intended too.
I continued to read but the rain got heavier, I peaked in the window a couple of times to see the guys, but they weren't there.

My phone started to ring with multiple text messages popping up on my lock screen. I placed the book down and headed to my bedside table and unplugged my phone from the charger. I sat on my bed facing the door and I unlocked my phone looking at it. I got multiple texts from Sid Matthew. Sid Matthew has been my acquaintance since seventh grade and let's just say he has a tiny crush on me. But I don't like him back.

From Sid
: Hi! It's Sid here, I just wanted to tell you that basketball tryouts start next Monday. And so you've got 3 days to practice. I wish you all the luck!

It's not that I don't like him, but he's just too cheesy. Who adds a text message ending with 'love'? Its just weird I don't know why, it just is. I decided to text him back.

To Sid
: Ok, thanks Sid,
Delivered at 7:37 pm

Sid is the equipment manager at school, so he knows when tryouts and matches are. He's all nerdy, he has chicken legs always wears the same clothes everyday, medical black leather shoes, blue striped shirt and maroon pants and suspenders. And a pair of geeky glasses.

I looked at the time on my phone and it was almost dinner.
I heard rummaging downstairs and a some goodbyes. I got up from my bed and unlocked the door and went over to the staircase, I peeked and saw Axel leaving.
"Don't you want to have a shower Axel and maybe some dinner? We have fresh clothes." Mum smiled generously at him.
"Thank you Mrs. Saphrano, but I promised my mother we'd have dinner together. Thank you for your lovely company tho." He smiled back.
"Alright, good bye Axel."
"Good bye Mrs. Saphrano," he turned to look at Blake "Buh bye!" He pouted like a little kid to him and waved at Lucas and Ryan.

How can someone so cruel be so sweet to others? I mentally sighed.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." Said Blake.
"Yeah, me too." Said Lucas waking past Blake.
"You already where I'm going." And he too, went to take a shower.
They were all coming up the stairs and I had to hide, I don't want to face them.
We have a small closet where we keep all of winter boots and essential. I hid there, I peeked and saw Lucas coming up first and running to his room.
Blake came up and stopped at my door, he sighed through his nose and brought his hands up to my door, about to knock, but he sighed again and left to go to his room, weird.

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