(Ch-24) Donuts

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I woke up and looked at my alarm clock. 5:44 am. I've got 20 minutes till I usually wake up for school, mum and dad should be up by now.

I sit up on my bed and I stretch my arms and I get up and stretch my legs. It was now Tuesday just a few more days till Lilian leaves, just a few more days, I can do this.

I quickly brush my teeth and I decided that I'll take a shower after I come home today. I quickly get dressed into a light hoodie and some black skinny jeans. I tie my hair into a lazy ponytail, which looked exceptionally good. I grab my bag and place all my books into it and my laptop.

Today is the day we were going to get our grades. Oh gosh, what if Blake doesn't pass? It's all gonna be my fault! What if I don't pass? That's not important, what's important is that if Blake passes, but from his exit from class the other day, I wouldn't be so sure.

I sling my bag over my right shoulder and grabbed my phone from my charging port, I turn my phone on and look at the time, 6:09 am. I still have a long time before I have to actually wake up for school. I made my way downstairs.

"Morning." I said bluntly as I made my way into the kitchen, mum and dad were up.
"Morning. What are you doing up?" Mum asked.
"I-" I lifted my index finger up, indicating then to hold on while I let out a yawn. "-I don't know, it was strange." I scratched the back of my head.
"Strange that you woke up early for once by yourself, or strange that you didn't smash your alarm clock?" Mum asked as she took a sip of coffee.
"Ha ha, very funny mum." I said sarcastically.
"I see that you're ready for school." Dad said.
"Yup, bright and early." I nodded as I yawned again.

I looked around and saw the fruit basket, I reached over and grabbed a apple.
"It's so hot outside, why are you wearing a hoodie." Dad asked.
"Dad, you won't get it." I said as I tossed the apple in the air.
"What do you mean I won't get it?" He furrowed his eyebrows.
"We girls have a superpower." I smirked, my gaze still on the apple.
"Superpower? What superpower?" He asked, confusion laced in his voice.
"Well you see, girls can wear the thickest of clothes in the hottest of weathers and still feel normal."
"It's true." Mum joined in as she nodded.
"Oh uh ok." He nodded but was still unsure causing me and mum to giggle.

"Oh and by the way, Bill contacted me." Dad took a sip of his coffee.
"Bill?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Axel's dad."
"So he is pre-poning his wedding."
"Why?" I groaned as I emphasized the word.
"I'm not sure, but it's something about his parents or such."
"So when is it?" I groaned.
"Um, in about five weeks or so." Dad nodded.

"Mum?" I called out.
"Hm?" She hummed as she looked up from her coffee.
"Where is your neice and her parents?" I asked.
"They're still sleeping and she's your cousin." She pointed at me.
"Mum yesterday she was so rude to me! She made me carry her up the stairs! She is really disrespectful!"
"Oh c'mon she loves you."
"Yeah, she loves me so much that she wants me dead." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

Mum opened her mouth to say something but then Lucas came down.
"Mum, I'm not going to school." He said as he walked down the stairs and stood infront of mum, his back facing me.
"Lucas, we've already had this discussion." Mum stated.
"But mum-"
Mum sighed and placed the back of her hand on Lucas's forehead. "You're fine, you don't have a temperature." Mum and Lucas looked at eachother for a minute before mum spoke up. "Give me one reason you don't want to go to school."
"I just don't want to." He grumbled.
"That's not a reason." Mum arched an eyebrow.
"I'm not feeling well."
"You're fine Lucas, go get dressed. Look at your sister, she's up bright and early."
Lucas groaned as he went past me, not before shoving me slightly and mumbling in my ear. "Goody Two shoes." I sighed.
"I'm gonna go after him." I pointed at the stairs awkwardly as I took a bite out of my apple and placed it on the counter.

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