(Ch-11) An Otter?

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"Class dismissed!" Yelled Ms.Roe. I groaned and got up from my chair and tried to walk, I only got till the hallways. I got a few pushes here and there from students, making my pain worse. I couldn't walk anymore so I stood there, leaning against the wall of the hallways.

'I certainly can't walk home' it thought to myself. It took me about fifteen minutes just to walk out to the front gate. Well, what do you expect? I just got beat up!

I sat down on a light brown wooden bench a bit infront and diagnal to the high school building. 'You shouldn't disturb him!', or 'He's your only way home!'. Currently I was having a mental debate with myself over wether or not to call Tyler over to pick me up or not. 'He's having a chemo treatment right now, dare you disturb him!' The left side of my brain hissed. 'Shut up ya dingdong! Elainy needs a ride, she got beat up for God's sake!' The right side of my brain argued back. I sighed and decided to call Tyler. I know I shouldn't but I still did.

Ring, ring.
Ring, ring.
Ring, ring.
Ring, ring.

"Hello?" His voice was dull nonetheless, hearing his voice after a shitty day felt so good.
"Hey Tyler, how are you? How's the treatment going on?" I asked saying eachother word slowly.
"Hiii!" His voice went from dull to excited. "I'm um I guess doing better, the treatment ended a couple ours ago, gosh I'm so glad you called! I've been wanting to see you since forever!"
I chuckled. "Yeah me too! So what are you doing?".
"Watching Full House."
"Oh ok, um could you do me a favor? It's sorta urgent." Guilty was jumping in the back of my voice.
"Of course, what is it?"
"I uh, sorta need you to come pick me up, from school." I scratched the back of my neck.
"Be there in 5." And with that he hung up.
I smiled, being so grateful for a friend like Tyler.

'Why didn't you get a ride from your brothers?' My inside voice asked.
'What's this horrid thing called a 'brother?' I asked It.
'First of all!' It says in a rather sassy tone. 'I am not, AND I REPEAT NOT AN 'it'!'
'You can read my inner thoughts?!'
'Of course I can, ya silly! I'm your inside voice! Your bff!'
'You're more like a, hmm let me think, ah! A otter to me, I mean I just met you.' I internaly rolled my eyes.
'An otter? How exactly?' It- I mean she asked.
"Well, otter is something that everyone dreams of having until they relise how annoying they are.' I nonchalantly replied.
'EXCUSE ME?! Are you comparing me to a otter?'

Beep Beep.

Just then I look up to see Tyler, all tanned, grabbing a shirt from the back and putting it on. Yeah, he was shirtless.
He came in his Red pickup truck, it wasn't new and wasn't old, it was around six moths old, both of our parents pitched in to buy him that for his 15th birthday.

Oh shit! I forgot all about my scars and bruises, Crap! He's going to question! I quickly stumbled and put all my hair to my face making sure he doesn't see anything. "Tyler you can go now!" I yelled as he slammed the door of his pickup truck coming towards me. He gave me his pearly white smile which slowly turned into a shock as a came close to me. I heard some girls swoon over him.

Tyler was popular, not much, but popular enough to have seventy percent of the population of girls to have a crush on him.

"El!" He removed the hair from my face to get a much clearer glance at my brushed face.
"Holy shit! Who motherfu*ker did this?! I'm going to beat up thier a-" he roared but I interupted.

I slapped his hand off and covered my face again. "Tyler please, I don't want to talk about it!" I scoffed and made my way to his pickup.
"El!" He jogged to catch up with me while setting his beanie.
"What happened? You've got to tell me!" He urged as he unlocked his pickup and I got in the front passenger seat, while he got up to the drivers seat.
"No I don't!" I sat in the seat and slammed the door and he did the same.
"I'm not going to start to truck until you do!" He sternly said.
He turned the ignition off and looked at me
The back of my eyes was stinging with tears with the memory. I have never gotten beaten up, that is, until today. I have gotten small scars here and there but not a full blow out. My brothers hit me, but just a hit in the back of the head playfully or teasingly when we were little, now they barely acknowledge me.

"Please just shut up and drive!" I yelled, slumping roughly down to the seat. I covered my face with Blake's sweatshirt, it had a hoodie so I wore it.
He seemed shocked and to be honest, so did I. I never intended to make my voice that loud at him. He turned on the ignition and started driving. It was pretty silent and awkward. We stopped at a close by convenience store. "Hold on, I'll be back" he said as he got down and slammed the door, leaving me alone in the car. A few tears started to slip from my eyes. I tried my best to stop it, giving myself a few encourage words as I did so. I never really praise myself, heck whatever I'm saying right now is probably not even true. I feel like a useless piece of Crap, which I am.

A couple minutes passed and I could see Tyler coming back with a white plastic bag. He jumped back in the car and turned on the ignition. As he was doing so, he placed something on my lap, I looked down to see it. A candy bar. I gave a weak smile at it and glanced at Tyler. "Its it that time of the month?" He smiled at the staring wheel. "Cause if it is, I heard candy bars help." He glanced up at me, the smile not leaving his face. I playfully punched his arm and chuckled. "No, and thank you," I smiled at him."I'm sorry." I sighed. "For what?" He asked wanting to get the reason out of me, even though he knew why. "For being a total a-" "a*s towards me? Yeah I figured." He broke a smile as he interupted me. "Yeah, I've just been having a fu*ked up day, so I hope you understand." I looked over at him "Yeah totally." He kept his eyes on the road. "Look, I just ran into a pole, that all." I said, also looking ahead now. "Oh, it's that so?" I could tell from his time that he didn't believe me. "I promise." I mumbled, I crossed my hands behind my back. After a couple minutes of silence, we were here.

"Alright were here!" He turned the ignition off and slumped in his seat, relaxing.
"Thank you." I said softly.
I was about to get out until Tyler stopped me. "El, wait!" I turned back."Hm?" I hummed. He looked me dead in the eye and sternly said "If anyone even touches you where you do not want to be touched or by anyone you don't want to, or if anyone hurts you, mentally or physically, I do not care. You give me a call ok? I'm only a phone call away, I swear. I'll always be there for you, I promise."
I smiled at him, "Yeah ok, I love you." With that I slammed the door and started to walk home.
"Love you too goofball!" He yelled causing me to chuckle.
"See ya!" I waved.
"Bye." And he drove off.


Wasn't Tyler just a sweetheart! ❤️ I want to hug him forever!

Give me some thoughts on the chapter and comment! Tell me what you want to see in the next upcoming chapter(s)?

Don't forget!




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Three BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now