Chapter 17

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Just a quick check in, that's all this is.

Sure it is. You know you didn't want to leave her earlier when she barely acknowledged you were leaving.

I grumble, remembering her toneless "bye" when she shut the door behind me. While it's true I've only known her a short time, I know enough to understand she does not do well with sudden change.

I buzz the intercom outside her building for her to let me in, but she doesn't answer.

I try again and still nothing.

I try calling her and it just rings and rings.

I step to the side of the door when someone is about to leave and they hold the door for me. Normally, that would bother me knowing anyone could walk in, but right now I don't care. I make my way to the lobby desk and it appears Ruben is about to switch out posts with the old man, George.

"Ay! Rico papi, I'm so glad you came back!" Ruben rushes over to me. "Nora needs you."

"What's wrong? And stop calling me Papi, Ruben." He dismisses my request with a wave of his hand.

"Big Mike called; Nora's wasted and he doesn't think she'll be able to make it home on her own."

"Who's big Mike?" I wonder, trying not to let my mind think the worst. Perhaps this 'big Mike' is the asshole sending her flowers and shit.

"Mike's the owner of the bar next to the cafe around the corner," George tells me. "He knows to call us when this happens, but truth be told it hasn't happened for months. Anyhow, Ruben called me to come in early so he could get her, but now that you're here, you can help."

So many thoughts are running through my head. Should I worry about how much she seems to drink? Is she too far gone to go through with this? I shake my head, pushing the thoughts aside and focus on what I need to do.

"Take my number down in case anything like this happens again." George grabs a notepad and pen and I give him my number.

Ruben sighs as we step outside the building. "She seemed to be doing better. After the attack we figured it was normal for her to drink a little, you know, numb the pain and all, but then this became too frequent and then she ended up in the hospital because of her other health issues and when she was healthy enough to come home that asshat, Leo, breaks her heart."

I slow down next to him. "What attack?"

Ruben stops walking when he notices I'm not next to him."Oh, lo siento. I thought you knew, or she would have told you." His eyes skirt around, unable to meet mine. "Maybe it's not my place..." (I'm sorry)

I take slow measured steps toward him. "Ruben, what happened?"

"She was raped," Ruben says keeping his voice quiet and the air leaves my lungs.

"Almost a year ago, she was coming home from a late night at work and someone grabbed her and pulled her into the back alley of the building. The surveillance showed her fighting back and the asshole hit her, knocking her out before he violated her; sick motherfucker. Someone walking their dog the next morning found her unconscious and hurt real bad."

"She hasn't been the same since then. I mean, she's still sweet and fun, but man I tell you, the Nora that moved in over two years ago is not the same one you see today. She was bubbly and smiled all the time and was very fiery, ready to take on life on her own after leaving her parent's home." Ruben chuckles with a far away look on his face.

"I don't know if you met her family yet, she loves her sisters, even if they're all so different. She has a good relationship with her pops and her mom, too. Teresa can nitpick a little too much, if you ask me. But her abuelo, ese pinche sin verguenza. If he wasn't a geriatric son of a bitch, I'd beat his face in." (grandfather, shameless fucker)

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