Annie Part 3

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Sweets for tarts and Verde Valley
Cayce drove on wondering why he was being chased--what was the score to tally?

Seeking out refuge from rabid Idol fans
With costumes and masks, Cayce lost faith in the plan

Flashing back to a few years in the past
"Ringling Hoes," the suggestion of the voice persistent and fast.

Encountering the masked delivery cupcake crew
One shoved another, Deformed stippers are people too

Vigilantes delivering cupcakes, sweets for tarts
Azaled joined in, why not help--she had a heart.

Hot sauce incinerating taste, a fire engulfed the stage
Prostesis a light, like a flame on a page

Strippers poisioned, and a loud sonic boom
Azalea cringed fire wasn't her thing, it was only doom

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