Chapter Seven

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Song: The Wolf by SIAMES

A/N: I hope you all are excited! This is a much longer chapter than my others! There is some semi-explicit language/Scenes in this one, be advised. Enjoy! ;)

Mel's Pov

I descend the stairs while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I walk past the living room into the kitchen. I'm stopped in my tracks in the doorway.

"Good morning Luna!" Sabrina chirps.

"Please don't call me that, I am technically not your Luna yet," I grumble.

" I'm sorry Lu- Melody. " Sabrina corrects herself. I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. I drop my hand to my side and open my eyes.

"Please just call me Mel, thank you." She nods and follows me to the bar stools at the island counter. I sit down at the end and she sits in the middle one.

"What do you want for breakfast? I can make it for you!" She beams.

"Uhh... I-"

"We want Sam for breakfast!"  My wolf interrupts me, like usual. I turn to see Sabrina waiting for a response.

" Surprise me. " I say, resting my face in my hand. She squealed in delight and jumped up getting right to work on making me my mystery breakfast. It is becoming much harder to resist my wolf's urges. I do want Sam for breakfast. I want him for lunch, dinner, and dessert too. I want to run my fingers through his black hair down his toned chest until his hands stop me from going farther and he pins me to the bed. I want-

"Please keep your pheromones under control it smells in here." I snap my head at the sound of a voice coming from the doorway. It was another male. I have never seen him in the house before. I think he was there the day Sam and Aremus fought and helped pull them apart. But I couldn't be too sure because that day was a blur. He had dyed sliver locks and similar features to Sam but his eyes were a dark emerald. He also had a septum nose piercing. He had tanned skin that was peeking through his black hoodie which was slipping up a bit.

" Sorry. " I squeak out, quickly.

"You be careful smelling like that in the pack house. Our pack is filled with nice people but no telling what their wolves might do. " The strange man says continuing into the kitchen to sit at the table away from me.

"Quit trying to scare him Caz! He's just a kid!" Sabrina said coming to my defense.

"Hey! I'm not a kid I'm older than you! " I point at her. She rolls her eyes at me smiling a bit.

"Yeah, maybe but not mentally. " She giggles and I pretend to pout.

"Well, now you're bullying me, Sabrina. That's no way to talk to your Luna. " I say jokingly. She just blankly looks at me and then goes back to cooking. I hope she didn't think I was being serious. I suddenly feel a weird urge that I have to meet someone in the hallway. Almost like they're calling my name but if they were they would get the attention of Caz and Sabrina. Neither of them seems to be hearing it though. I look around at both of them and get up without saying anything. As I'm making my way out to the hallway a very sweet smell hits my nose. This time it doesn't smell like Sam. Sam smells like maple bacon and honey... This smell is almost like vanilla and... sugar cookies. It's not Sabrina's cooking. Confused, I walk down the hallway following the delicious scent until it brings me to a door. I haven't explored the pack house. This is only my second day out of the room. I didn't know that there were bedrooms on the first floor too. I keep going back and forth in my mind. Should I knock? Should I open the door? Should I go back to the kitchen and ignore this scent?

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