I dont know what to name this yet lol

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Teagan Quinn

Uncle Duncan's call couldn't have come at a better time. Tonights date had been so so but atleast the man had made up for it with multiple orgasms. Unfortunatly the man then turned into a level 2 clinger wanting her to stay the night. Oh hell no she wasn't. His call came as the clinger was following her to his door believing sweet talk would keep her from leaving.

Now standing outside Mulligan's Teagan checked the time and saw there was still twenty minutes till closing. Last call would have already been called but maybe she could sweet talk her way into a night cap. Entering Teagan had to smile and call herself lucky seeing her cousin Ivo behind the bar.

"Can a girl get a night cap?" she inquired smiling as another man who she recognized as Eamon Mulligan came up to the bar. No they'd never met before but she had looked him up through the dmv database on her way over.

"Ivo get the woman what she wants on me" Eamon ordered his cousin and shot her a wink. Eww big player aye was all she could think. Then a though hit her.

"Awe that's so sweet of you" she offered back sliding up onto a seat and patting the one beside her."Join me" she offered "I'll just tell my roommate I'm going to be later than expected" she explained pulling out her phone as he took the bate.

Teagan: I'll get him into the back parlour, have someone waiting.

Sending the text off to her cousin who wasn't looking too please she then turned her attention on Mr.Dipshit. She'd done work for the family in the past because of the connection to her Uncle. They were good people if you looked past the whole mafia thing. But who was she to judge, she was a Quinn.

Exchanging chit chat Teagan slowly worked towards more suggestive conversation. How she'd gone out tonight to get over a bad break up. How she'd failed to find anyone to help her out. All bullshit but she played it well enough that Eamon offered himself up like a prized pig at the county fair.

"Sounds like fun. Doesn't this place have private rooms. If not I'm not apposed to a quicky in the ladies" she offered tramping it up for his benefit by letting her breast brush his arm as she stood up.

"Fuck that's hot. Follow me" he again took the bait and her hand to guide her back. Shooting a look at Ivo on the way by her cousin simply nodded. Smiling brighter she let the man lead her back to one of the private rooms. Saw the lights were off when he opened the door. Lights that stayed off as he pulled her in then pressed her into the now closed door.

Teagan wasn't about to let him get his lips on her. So deaking her head to the side she brought her knee up as she reached out to flick on the lights. Hearing his squeak then groan she gave him another kick as her eyes adjusted to the light. When they did she faced a rather large man who now held Eamon up by the scruff of the neck.

"Thanks for the assist lass. Heres his phone and Ivo will bring you his lap top in a bit." the man explained then gave Eamon a rough shake when he called her a bitch.

"Aye I am a bitch but at least I'm not a weasle" she shot back at him before turning to head back out to the bar. She needed to get her computer out of the car and the overnight bag she always kept in the trunk. She may not be one for overnighters with a man but they did seem to ocur when dealing with family business. "I need to grab stuff from my car" she told Ivo as she passed as if nothing had happened. But before she could make it out alone another big man was by her side. This one she recognized.

"Hey Grady, see they got multiple branches of the family in on this. How's your momma?" she greeted unlocking her trunk and hauling out her computer and duffle bag.

"Don't hey Grady me. My mama would flay my ass if she knew I let you get away with that stunt inside." he ground out and made her laught. Mauve O'Shea was a cousin a mean as a bear when mad. She was also born Mauve Quinn which made her and Grady cousins.

"Oh settle down. Not a single Quinn woman comes to be my age without knowing how to defend her virtue" she shot back as they once again entered the bar where a Ivo waited. By the look on his face she was in to hearing it from him too. "Okay lads, get it all out of your systems. Then maybe I can get some work done" she offered and then listened as she got herself a drink. Thankfully she was saved when the big man in a biker's cut entered. Same guy who'd taken Eamon away.

"You want in on this too. Go three for three on how stupid I was" she shot in his direction as she began running Eamon's phone through the software on her computer. His reponse though had her looking up from the lap top she'd been about to open.

"Do I look soft in the head lass. Your plan worked and was a good one. Better than what these two offered up prior to your arrival" he answered then introduced himself as Gabriel Mulligan.

"Teagan Quinn-Ramsey" she offered back and saw his smile disapear but didn't hold it against him. It was the norm when she gave her last name.

"You're Argus Ramsey's youngest aren't ya" he questioned needing her to confirm.

"I am but don't worry my fathers out of town and mama knows where I am. That's how Uncle Duncan got my number in the first place" she tried to reasure him then huffed when he dialed his phone to order more guards for the bar.

"Can't blame a man for wanting to keep his bits where they should be lass. Your father has a reputation for removing them from a man." he offered later as the began searching Eamon's computer.

Teagan was saved from responding as a knock sounded on the door and two men entered. One she recognized as Royce Black but the other man was an unknown.

"Jesus mary and joseph! Does you father know what your involved in" Royce exclaimed seeing her.

"See not just me" Gabriel called out as he showed the men to where Eamon was stashed. But it got her thinking that maybe she should check in with the old man and let him in on where she was. Just so it came from her.


Did you catch on to what I did here? lol

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