Chapter 9

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I whipped my head so fast it's a surprise I didn't get whiplash. Wait- mhm, definitely a whiplash. Ouch. Anyways, the familiar brunette mob of hair and blue eyes, so damn blue it's like an ocean itself.

But it didn't help diminish the dread that settled in. "Dominic?" I didn't realize I said it until Adam spoke up, "You know the guy?" I nodded my head, moving my head slightly but my eyes were trained towards the guy I once called best friend and brother.

"Yeah, Sand, it's me," he spoke so softly as if I'd break any second. Which might as well be true. My knees went weak and tears threatened to fall as I unconsciously stepped closer hesitantly towards him. From the end of my vision, I could see Adam move forward to catch me in case I fall any minute but Monic shot a hand out and shook her head.

My hands shot out and wrapped themselves on his waist, the gesture so familiar now that I do it mindlessly. I clutched the back of his shirt so tight, the fabric felt like it would tear if I clutched it tighter.

He chuckled softly, "I miss you too, little squirrel." I laughed soundlessly at the old nickname.

He came to the conclusion that since I ate like a squirrel and I used to adore, and still do, Sandy the Squirrel from Spongebob Squarepants and that my nickname which came originally from Cas'sand'ra was pure fate, hence, the nickname.

"I miss you so much, Big Donkey." I felt his chest vibrate under my head and I smiled. Payback's a bitch. We came up with these nicknames when we were just kids and when we came to realize how embarrassing it sounds, it became an internal joke between us to humiliate the other with so called nickname.

Bryant would always watch us in amusement like we were some circus entertainment and let us bicker until it gets heated and only when I raise my fist to hit him, will he stop us.

A cough interrupted us and a blush crept up my neck as we broke apart from the embrace and face our companions.

Sonia looked shocked but regained her composure before strutting over to Dominic and started flirting with him. Oh sweet baby Jesus, my eyes! My poor virgin eyes!

I averted my eyes from them to see Adam's eyes was so wide it looked as if it could pop out of their sockets and he started stuttering. "Y-you just b-blushed!" He exclaimed the last word like he just saw the tooth fairy appear before him. I scoffed, trying to hide my burning cheeks with my hair. There's no way I can deny that fact when the blush is it still apparent and proud on my cheeks.

Monic was as shocked as I am with the appearance of our old friend. Being family, we were a tight group of people and we all knew who Dominic was, hell, we grew up together.

Her boyfriend, which I seriously need to know the name of, was standing there frowning at Dominic for some reason.

I can't be bothered right now though, cause Maddison strutted over in her killer heels, joining us.

Cue internal groan. Isn't there enough drama already?

She nodded at Dom, acknowledging his existence and moved on to Adam. I have no idea how Dom is going to react when he found out how Maddison has changed after dealing with Bryant's death but I have no means to find out.

"Hi Adam." She greeted him sweetly, batting her lashes and twirling her hair while biting her lip 'seductively'. Ew.

She glared at me and moved on to Monic. "And why are you here?" She said in distaste. I inched closed to Monic, trying to cover her from Maddy's view as much as possible, all nerdy personality long forgotten as I tilted my chin up slightly to meet her gaze.

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