Chapter 41

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I wanted to say Happy Birthday to @Wolvesrockxd101 , thank you for the votes and support 😊❤️

I hope you lot are gonna like this chapter xp Enjoy!


The night seemed to stretch longer and I found myself wishing I could fast forward it all and get it all over with. I was exhausted from the day's events what with Sonia almost finding out and having my parents call me 10 minutes ago, saying that they'll be back home soon.

Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic that they'll be around. We'll have movie marathons, eat some sushi, grab a few ice cream and pig out together but it'll undoubtedly get harder for me to sneak out into the night for these fights and God knows how much I can't afford missing out on these fights.

One missed encounter and you're out.

It was a huge tournament and although I wasn't aiming to win the whole thing for pride and fame, I did aim to collect enough money to fund Carla's medications and 'enough money' isn't just 2 grand. 2 grand can probably get her two treatment at the most but to actually give her an operation and a kidney transplant and give her all the medications she needs would mean way more than 2 grand and the only way that I can afford that much is by winning this thing.

So that's what I'm going to do.

The crowd was loud tonight and there seem to be a bit more than the other nights. I fidgeted as I looked around for Levy. I swear if this guys turns up late because of some hookup, I'm gonna 'eradicate' the shit out of him.

My mind wandered off to the evening when I was patching Adam up and my cheeks immediately flamed with embarrassment at where my thoughts were drifting.

What the hell was I thinking?

I shouldn't kiss him. I shouldn't even like him. He's a friend.

He kissed you back. My conscience taunted in a sing song voice and I felt my cheeks heat up even more, thinking how our lips molded together. I could still feel the tingle that settled on my lips while I unconsciously touched it gingerly with my fingers.

Dammit Adam, why you got to be so hot?

This is making it so much harder for me to control my feelings. Argh. Damn you, hormones. I need to buy a freaking leash.

"Yo Pix!" I sighed in relief when I finally heard the familiar greeting.

"What the hell took you so long?" I marched up to him, grabbed him by the arm and practically dragged him all the way inside.

"I brought a special supporter tonight," I made a face at that.

"Lev, a slut won't support you. In any case, her racks that are probably hanging out of her three-sizes-too-small shirt are going to get your ass kicked in the ring," I chided him. He should've known better than to bring some slutty ass chic into this place.

"Oh, come on Pix, you know it's gonna be fun," he wiggles his eyebrows as if he was sure I was going to see it from his man raging hormones point of view. I mentally gagged at the thought and stopped briefly to deliver a whack upside his head before continuing to drag his heavy ass all the way to the back door.

"I may fight like a guy, act like a guy, talk like a guy, swear like a guy or hell, even take a bath as quick as a guy but beneath all this shit, I still have racks, no matter how tiny they are, and a vajayjay and let me tell you, this bitch is straight as it can get so chuck it, you pig!" I ranted and he immediately shut up. Good boy.

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