Chapter 40

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I walked out of the school, hoping to avoid any Sonia or Maddison on the way and kept my head lowered and eyes fixed on the ground.

Once I stepped out of the building, the sun hit my eyes and blinded me momentarily, forcing my sight to adjust to the change in lighting and when I could finally see again, I looked around in search for Adam so that he can give me a ride home when I finally noticed that something was wrong.

Something in my gut told me that this wasn't good, that something bad was going to happen.

Little did I know that it was happening.

I stayed rooted on the spot, trying to grasp the faint shouts and yells in the distance and attempt to place the direction they came from. My head whipped to the side as I can finally put my finger on where to go.

Looking around and seeing that there was no Adam yet, I made a fleeting decision and jogged around to the side of the school where the stadium was.

The second I saw how big the crowd was, I knew something was terribly wrong. Even when the biggest jock had a full-out brawl with his best mate because he found his girlfriend screwing him, the crowd wasn't as close as to how big this one was.

I elbowed my way through, hitting my head on people's arms numerous times while gritting my teeth in annoyance. When I finally caught sight to what was happening, I immediately broke out from the circle of spectators and ran to the middle where the fight was happening.

I screamed at the top of my lungs but they were still going at it.

It wasn't a fair fight, 5 guys, all of them jocks with their huge built was circling a guy with familiar features like he was their prey.

They kept on landing blows and when I caught a glimpse on the guy's condition, I didn't even think about my secret, I didn't think about how they would find out, how I would be putting everything at stake. I just barreled through without a second thought. Throwing my whole priority out the window with one thing in my head; Adam.

Three guys were holding him down and although I saw that he was struggling and fighting against their hold, he won't be able to win this fight. It doesn't matter that he was a street fighter, if I didn't do anything, he would have been done for.

I dropped everything, my bag, my files, my book and ran towards them.

With one leap, I jumped onto one of the jocks that was hitting Adam and wrung him by the neck and held him in a gullet-in choke, sliding off his side as I kept his neck between my arms. I screamed once again and this time they heard me and I held their undivided attention.

I was no longer the nerd they saw me for the last year, I was Pixie, a street fighter they should fear.

Because right now, Pixie's out for blood.

All I could see was red, all that was in my head was to get them to stop hurting the guy I love.

"Let him the fuck go or you won't be seeing your friend for the next month." I said in a steely tone, my expressions scrubbed off everything. No one messes with the people I love.

Slowly they let Adam go and I released my hold on their friend, leaving him to choke and struggle to get air into his lungs, running to Adam's side and helping him up.

I could see from his wounds that they hurt him real bad and I could feel my anger rising. Those bastards.

"Hey," Adam smiled weakly, the cut on his lips opening wider and I could tell it spiked some pain because he quickly stopped trying to smile.

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