28. Cancel Queen

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-I have to


-Because of


"Can you please turn your head?"

Jonna nodded and rested the phone in her lap. The paramedic gingerly touched head, shining a light at various angles.

"I feel okay."

The sentiment was true. Jonna felt okay. But the paramedic, and later the deputy she spoke with, assured her that she might not be okay for long time. At least, not emotionally or mentally.

They offered her business cards for various services: lawyer, domestic violence advocate, and therapist. She pocketed each card gratefully, intent on reaching out when her head was clearer.

"Don't wait," the deputy cautioned her. "Reach out tomorrow. The longer you wait, the less likely you are to do anything."

She remembered agreeing to call who she could in the morning. Though, it was hard to worry too hard as she watched Shane being loaded into the backseat of the deputy's car. Hands cuffed behind him, he ducked to avoid hitting his head before sliding into the car.

When the door slammed shut behind him, Jonna breathed a sigh of relief.

The relief faded when she gazed at her phone.

-You still coming?

It had been hours. Laney had texted, wondering why she hadn't shown up yet for their agreed-upon date.

-I have to cancel. I know it doesn't seem like much, but it's the last time. I'll call you in the morning.

Laney did not respond or call.


Olga and Jayden doted on Jonna.

They had picked her up from the school, with Ola driving her car back. On the drive home, Jayden had flexed both hands on the wheel, firing off questions about Shane in calm, clipped tones. After a long while, his grip on the wheel relaxed and he began inquiring about how Jonna felt.

At the apartment, Ola and Jayden took on different roles in caring for Jonna. She protested at every stage, insisting she was the big sister, but they were annoyingly insistent, too.

Jayden made sure Jonna took Tylenol, had a cold pack for her head, and was set up to nap in the living room. Though the paramedic had cleared her, they had advised checking Jonna every few hours while she slept. Before she closed her eyes, Ola asked for her phone and laptop passwords. At first, Jonna was hesitant. Then, Ola assured her she would only reach out to her work colleagues about having the next few days off.

"Plus, you can change the passwords later," Ola said, her words accentuated by the pop of her chewing gum.

Jonna relented. Then she closed her eyes and slept.


"Hey, what's your name, sis?"

Jonna cracked one eye open. Jayden was peering down at her, a glass of water in hand.

"Sometimes you call me 'asshole'," she croaked, accepting the water with a nod of thanks.

Jayden grinned. "Your head seems fine to me."

She rubbed at her temples, which contained a low but constant throb. "Tell that to my head."

Just then, her stomach growled audibly. From down the hall, Ola could be heard laughing. She materialized, pointing at Jonna.

"That was you? I heard it from the bathroom!"

Jonna laughed and hung her head sheepishly. "I guess I'm hungry."

"Then it's a good thing someone is bringing dinner," Ola said.

As though perfectly timed, a knock sounded at the front door.

Jonna turned to Jayden and Ola. "Who is it?"

Ola popped a huge purpose bubble before answering: "Someone."


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