5. There's Something

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Jonna tried on five different outfits before deciding on a Mother of Dragons t-shirt and jeans

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Jonna tried on five different outfits before deciding on a Mother of Dragons t-shirt and jeans. The lacy underwear had to count for something, but all in all, she wanted to be comfortable. Her nerves were building up, and she hoped a walk would do her good.

Along the promised Google route, she saw a spread of sprawling gardens, sidewalk cafes, and row after row of trees. A very different feel from the sparse greenery in Graydon, Florida. She wanted to explore some more, but it could wait for another afternoon. She had a very important date.

On minute nine, her phone announced that she had arrived at her destination. Glancing up, she noticed the dark and dusty rafter of a large storefront, with gold lettering:

The Grizzled Wizard!

Ten minutes before Zachary promised to meet. Jonna paced under the awning a minute before striding inside the bar. Her eyes adjusted to the dark lighting, scanning for the bald hottie she knew from the pictures. All the men rocked different hairstyles ranging from One Direction-ish to Lumber Jack-ish.

She messaged him, casual as you please:

Got here. Trying my first Wizard beer.

She knew nothing about beer.

In the middle of flagging down the bartender, her phone buzzed. Zachary's name was flashing across the screen, and she answered the call breathlessly,


"Great shirt," he said, the silky voice sparking through her.

The guy in front of her spoke into a phone and repeated the same line, causing a weird echo.

Jonna grinned and stashed the phone back in her pocket.

Zachary loomed near, a smile showing off his dimpled cheeks. His green eyes proved startling in person, completing his tanned and angled face. He raised a hand in greeting, inching even closer. She didn't mind at all.

The bar was minimally loud, but not so much that he needed to bend and whisper,

"Hey nerd, you look nice." His breath lingered on her ear before he pulled back with another smile.

He. Was. Perfect.

A/N: I think Jonna has no choice but to have a drink, or two

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A/N: I think Jonna has no choice but to have a drink, or two.  

Dedicated to -hentaisocial-   :D

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