12. Something in the Way

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As soon as Jonna cracked the door to the apartment, Ola greeted her from the couch

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As soon as Jonna cracked the door to the apartment, Ola greeted her from the couch.

"You're back! Don't forget to take off your shoes," the svelte gal reminded her, a rule her brother didn't give three shits about.

Ola spouted a lot of rules, especially for a jobless person who deposited clothes and food everywhere possible. She also shed hair an inordinate amount. As a fellow shedder, Jonna was conscientious of where wisps of her hair ended up, for the most part. On the other hand, Ola seemed to be going bald at the rate of fuzz balls she lost, even leaving hairbrushes in the kitchen. Jayden, her brother, overlooked many of the girl's annoyances, in favor of her other talents.

Jonna took a deep breath before lugging her carry-on to the bedroom.

"Hey, shoes!" Ola chimed after her.

Making no movement to remove her flats, Jonna continued on to her room.

"My bad," she said, not really caring.

She deposited her bag on the bed and wandered back into the living room.

"Jayden will be home soon," Ola said, making it sound like a threat.


Jonna flipped through the stack of mail on the kitchen counter. She could feel Ola's doe eyes on her.

"Have fun?"

She frowned at her latest phone bill. "What?"

"Your trip, did you have fun?"

The weekend's events hit her in waves, and her face flushed.

"Yes, I suppose you could say that," she slowly replied.

Ola smiled, which she didn't do often. Then, when she spoke next, Jonna understood the smile.

"I hope you didn't get the floor dirty."

"Not at all."

Jonna smiled back, taking the purple hairbrush from the counter and handing it to a confused Ola.

Shaking her head, she went to her room to unpack. Tracking in the Florida dirt, or sand, ranked low on the list of her problems. Her jet-setting weekend had cost her, and she was out of a phone, time, and a bit of self-respect. The sex she didn't mind, and wanted much more of. She minded her vulnerability, and the way her voice had wavered when she offered to return to D.C.

So pathetic.

Jonna also hated how she'd allowed her hormones to rule over the work she needed to get done. Student emails had piled up, along with grades she'd forgotten to input. Her next class started in a few hours, and she had yet to plot out a lesson plan. Well, it's not like she'd never winged it before.

When she finished unpacking, she moved on to her work briefcase, pulling out student folders.

"So, I might be able to take another weekend off next month," she mumbled as she thumbed through a stack of essays. "Stupid."

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