8. I Wanna Get Better

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A/N: Play the song as you read. You won't regret it. Trust me on this.

Zachary spun, narrowly avoiding smacking his forehead on the corner of the wall.

Despite feeling ridiculously exposed, Jonna laughed. Loudly.

Zachary wiped a hand over his face, moseying his way back into the room. The bed dipped as he settled next to her.

"Is this okay?" He rested a hand on her leg.

It was like a brand on her skin, but she nodded.

With slightly upturned lips, he said, "I didn't expect this much," he motioned at the bed, "out of a first meeting with you. Frankly, I was content just talking to you at the bar, because you're amazing."

She groaned internally. The guy knew just what to say, and she hated herself for buying into his smooth lines.

Zachary stroked her leg, staying in the calf vicinity. "I asked you here, to hang out, to be my face-to-face friend instead of my virtual friend. And now you're my naked friend, and I hope I haven't hurt you."

The concern in his voice seemed genuine, forcing her to emerge from the safety of the pillow.

"You haven't hurt me. I'm just in my own head too much sometimes. I'd really, really love to try this again." She placed her hand over his, moving his hand up her leg slowly but steadily.

He gently removed his hand, instead brushing strands of hair from her face. He leaned in to kiss her, deeply, slowly. Jonna kissed him back, groping what she could of his frustratingly clothed body.

Zachary spoke against her lips, "And just to let you know, you don't have to do anything in order to guarantee seeing me a second time. I like you. I'm hooked."

Tipsy or no, her heart momentarily soared before she tapered down her response.

You know what this is.

Anything resembling sweet, and she despised it. Sweet was for other people. She'd rather have sex without the window dressing, but if she told Zachary that, he'd form one opinion about her.

So, she fed him a half-truth: "I like you, too. And I'm okay with us not doing anything. More than okay. I have a whole weekend, anyway."

He nodded. "Yes, we have my boring work party tomorrow afternoon, and then we're free to do whatever you want."

She narrowed her eyes. "But definitely not tonight?"

The brat in her wasn't used to being refused.

He kissed her forehead. "No, not tonight. Just sleep, for the both of us."

She expected him to get up and leave, but instead, he stretched out his long frame, dragging her into the crook of his arm before covering them with the blanket. She rubbed her face against his chest, inhaling deeply.

Yes, sleep with him, just like this. She could handle that.

"Hey." Zachary swept a calloused thumb across her mouth, and her eyes fluttered back open.

"Yes?" She yawned in an exaggerated fashion.

"I know I said let's sleep," he began, quite tentatively, "but please, please tell me about the airplane chick. Tell me if you followed her."

Jonna smirked.

Jonna smirked

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