2. No Shame

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Jonna loaded her luggage, and slammed the trunk shut.

When she looked up, Jayden leaned against the doorway of the apartment entrance, smirking.

"Were you even going to say goodbye?" His black hair was mussed from sleep, brown eyes half-lidded against the glare of the morning sun.

Jonna grinned and waved. "Of course I was."

She locked the blue hatchback and joined her brother, pulling him into a bear hug.

"Just going away for a few days," she said against his shoulder. "You'll survive without me. Then again, I don't know." She pretended to think hard. "Ola's real dangerous when she's mad."

"Ugh." Jayden playfully pushed her away, chuckling, "I can handle myself. But if you get a text that reads YOU WERE RIGHT, you'll know what went down."

"Continue cooking, like you always do. That oughta keep her away from the knives."

Jayden titled his head, raising both eyebrows.

Jonna held up her hands. "Okay, okay. So, I shouldn't exactly give out relationship advice."

"Not what I meant. Text me when you land."

"I will."

They hugged one more time before Jayden ducked out to return to the dark apartment. Ola wouldn't be awake for hours.

He didn't even ask where I'm going.

A heady euphoria hit her. No one was keeping tabs on her, demanding things of her. She was free, had been for six months, but this was the first time it was hitting hard.

This must be what adult-life feels like.

No strings, no demands. Her high school marriage had devolved into a controlling relationship, and she had constantly been on the defensive... I'm just going to the store, I'll be right back... A trip to another city would've been out of the question.

The scope of the adventure beckoned, and she barely noticed the slight tap on her shoulder.

"Yes?" She turned, and drew in a ragged breath upon seeing her ex-husband.

Shane loomed over her, his shaved head and pointed chin gleaming in the sunlight. He grinned, and it was a like a brick slammed into her chest.

Jonna held up her hands and backed away. "You're not supposed to be here."

His grin persisted. "I can go where ever I want."

What he left unsaid was that she didn't have that option, but she knew she had to set him straight, even if it was for the fiftieth time.

"I don't want to see you. We're getting divorced," though you won't sign the papers, she internally lamented, "and you can't show up at my door unannounced."

Shane edged closer, and she wished suddenly for Jayden to step back outside, but he didn't.

"We have a lot to talk about, and if you won't take my calls, I have to make you understand." He was so close, his hot breath blew in her face, and the stench of stale alcohol and cigarettes made her eyes water.

Just when Jonna considered using her purse as a weapon, her beating heart quieted when she heard a reassuring voice,

"Don't you have to get to work?" Jayden threw his arm around her and drew her to his side, glaring at Shane.

At that particular moment, she couldn't have loved him more, both for the lie and for the strength he lent.

Finally, Shane retreated, his hulking features somewhat diminished. "We'll talk later," he promised, staring at and through Jonna.

With Jayden by her side, the threat was silly, and she smiled.

"Get out of here, and don't come back." Despite his incredulous face, she added, "And sign those papers."

Before he could respond, Jayden said, "If you come back, I'll call the cops, man."

"Sure, right."

But Shane left, and then Jonna's shoulders relaxed. She hugged Jayden one more time.

"Glad I looked out the window," he said while her face was squished against his shoulder.

"Me too."

He waited until she was in her car and had pulled away from the curb before going inside.

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