Chapter 18

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Ch18 - Pretend to Not Notice from the Start
The F4 were very excited after receiving Lu Xu’s confirmation the night before, and arrived at the dance rehearsal room bright and early. As soon as Lu Xu entered the room, they formed two rows and greeted him while bowing.

“Good morning.” Lu Xu glanced at the clock on the wall and noticed it hadn’t even hit 7 AM yet. He couldn’t help but say, “You guys came very early.”

“We’ve just arrived. Anyways you’ve come pretty early too.” Chai Siyuan stood right behind the F4 and thought Lu Xu was greeting him when he saw him look over his way, so he had replied.

He Xinghua turned around to look at Chai Siyuan, then smirked as he reported to Lu Xu, “He’s lying, he’s been here since 5 AM.”

“Right right, he’s trying to convince you and sneakily improve by himself.”

“How crafty.”

The F4 spoke one after another, about to jump out to confront Chai Siyuan.

Lu Xu merely smiled, not taking the matter to heart. He viewed this survival show very simply. The only thing he cared about was his performance review.

He didn’t know what Ji Xiunian’s plans for the day were and didn’t know if he could interact with him some more in order to investigate further.

As Lu Xu was pondering over this, he saw Chai Siyuan cover his mouth and look towards the entrance, both shocked and excited. “Oh my god, how come Instructor Ji is here?”

“Good morning, Instructor Ji.”

“Morning, Nian ge.”

Behind him, Song Zhe and the others were giving out polite greetings. Lu Xu turned around and saw Ji Xiunian entering the practice room. A VJ followed him in.

He Xinghua was also astonished. He hadn’t thought he would be meeting Ji Xiunian so soon again. Last night he had continued to worry that Ji Xiunian wouldn’t be able to comprehend  seeing them, and that he would find a ghost exterminator or something similar out of fear of ghosts.

The F4 all thought similarly. They were worried that Ji Xiunian had come for them. The four ghosts crowded together, staring at Ji Xiunian with complicated expressions, but Lu Xu’s presence put them somewhat at ease.

Their supervisor was here, so what could they be scared of?

Regardless, Ji Xiunian was a big senior in the industry and everyone else in the room had already greeted him. Out of respect, the F4 waved their hands at Ji Xiunian and politely said, “Hello, Instructor Ji.”

But surprisingly, Ji Xiunian didn’t look at them at all and only cheered on the trainees with his usual expression. “I’ll be your temporary rank instructor for the next three days. I’ll be responsible for supervising the progress of A-rank. I hope everyone will treasure the time remaining and achieve outstanding results in the evaluation.”

Ji Xiunian used most of his emotions while acting. His personalities varied by the thousands in films, but in real life, he was cold and noble. He had a natural gracefulness that made it difficult for others to approach him.

But that was exactly what made him so attractive.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Although he looked cold, the gaze in his eyes was deep, like a pool of innumerable emotions.

Llr bearajcvlcu jqqfjgjcmf mbwqifwfcafv tlr reqfgy jmalcu rxliir. Lf tjv vlrqijsfv j tlut vfugff bo rfio-vlrmlqilcf lc atf 10 sfjgr rlcmf tf tjv vfyeafv. Lf kjrc’a j wjc bo wjcs kbgvr, yea tf kjr nfgs gfiljyif. Ciwbra fnfgsbcf ilxfv Al Wlecljc yfmjerf bo atlr.

Master Grim Reaper Makes His Debut in Center PositionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz