Chapter 79

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Ch79 - The “Song God” Has Arrived
The door wouldn’t open no matter what. Han Tianyu asked hesitatingly, “Should we look for a building staff member and ask for a key?”

“A key to lock it isn’t going to help.” Xu Haoming was extremely frantic, afraid that something bad had happened to Lu Xu inside. “All of you clear the way, I’ll do it.”

As he spoke, he took a few steps back in order to leave some open space, and got ready to kick the door open.

However, just as Xu Haoming had begun to prepare to kick the door open, the sudden sound of flushing appeared from within the bathroom.

The three of them were stunned in place, not sure what kind of a situation this was.

In the next moment, when he saw Lu Xu open the door looking perfectly fine, only then did Xu Haoming feel at ease. But when he thought of how frantic they were earlier, he had to mumble to himself, “Xu ge you were perfectly fine inside, why didn’t you say anything when we were calling for you…”

Before he had even finished speaking, his gaze fell on the earbuds in Lu Xu’s ears. Fine, no wonder he couldn’t hear them, it turned out he had been wearing earbuds.

As if to corroborate his thought, Lu Xu looked at the three of them in front of him in shock. He lifted his hand to take his earbuds out. “What is this, are all three of you urgently waiting to go to the bathroom?”


Xu Haoming said pitifully, “No Xu ge, I called you and you didn’t respond, and you were squatting inside for so long, I thought something had happened to you.”

Han Tianyu also felt a little embarrassed. “I also got misled by Haoming, it hadn’t crossed my mind that you were listening to music with earbuds in.”

The Xu Haoming who was suddenly attacked couldn’t help but pout. “How could I have known ah, say Xu ge, you even listen to music while going to the bathroom. With it on so loud, are you able to feel the music better like this?”

Before Lu Xu could open his mouth, Song Zhe had already lightly kicked Xu Haoming’s butt from behind. “You listen to ‘Little Leaping Frog’ in the shower, so why can’t others squat and listen to heavy metal?” After saying this he turned around and smiled at Lu Xu. “Haoming is just worried about you, it’s good that nothing is wrong. It’s late, we should all hurry and shower and sleep. The guest mentors are coming tomorrow, are you guys not excited?”

“Aaaaaaa my Manman!” Xu Haoming apparently just remembered this and hurriedly took out a SK brand face mask to stick on his face. “I have to see my goddess in my most beautiful state!”

Lu Xu laughed silently and Han Tianyu by his side couldn’t resist asking, “Xu ge, are you excited to see your shijie?”

“I’m okay.” Lu Xu pursed his lips, his pretty eyes carrying a hint of deeper meaning. “Compared to my shijie, I’m more excited to meet Qu Dehui.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Song Zhe involuntarily looked up at him, asking curiously, “Are you Instructor Qu’s fan?”

Oe We rtbbx tlr tfjv jcv rwlifv rilutais. “Rba gfjiis, P qegfis pera kjca ab wffa tlw. Coafg jii, lrc’a tf j rbcu ubv?”

Qtfc We Ljbwlcu tfjgv tlw rjs atlr, tf mbeivc’a tfiq yea uijcmf ja Oe We j ofk alwfr. Lf bglulcjiis kjcafv ab jrx kts tf vlvc’a mtbbrf atf nbmji ugbeq lo tf ilxfv He Gftel, yea tf ofia ilxf Oe We vlvc’a ilxf He Gftel nfgs wemt.

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