Chapter 26

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Ch26.1 - It Likes You Too
The moonlight spilt down like water, coincidentally illuminating the silhouette on the window.

A ghost wasn’t supposed to be fluffy and round right?

As Xu Haoming was thinking this, he saw Lu Xu open the window. The round silhouette immediately wormed its way in, emitting “meow meow” sounds nonstop as it snuck into Lu Xu’s arms.

Song Zhe got out of bed and turned on the lights. It was only then that everyone realized Lu Xu was embracing an orange cat with sleek fur. It had a rotund body shape and a round head, nestling in Lu Xu’s arms like a small child, its watery eyes moving about.

As they observed the cat, the cat observed them.

“Xu ge, is this your family’s Ba Mei?” Even Xu Haoming felt like this was a little unimaginable after asking.

One had to know that Ba Mei was a cat, not a dog. It had never come to the apartment before. It was only a small kitty cat, how could it have come all the way here?

But before he had even figured it out, Lu Xu had already given a resolute answer. “Right, this is my family’s Ba Mei.”

“Ai?” Forget about Xu Haoming, anyone who heard this would feel incredulous.

Han Tianyu scooted over and stared at Ba Mei, then couldn’t resist asking, “Why do you think it showed up at the apartment?”

Lu Xu rubbed Ba Mei’s head and softly placed it on the ground. “Probably saw me on TV at home and missed me.”

Even Song Zhe felt a little overwhelmed by this. “You mean, your cat found its way here by itself?”

Lu Xu nodded. “Mn, probably walked very far.”

Seeing that Ba Mei kept licking its legs, Lu Xu immediately stopped and said, “Come on, wash up first.”

Perhaps those words would have made sense to small children, but Ba Mei was just a cat, it would be strange if it could understand him.

However, what happened next opened Xu Haoming’s eyes to a whole new world.

When Lu Xu finished speaking and walked towards the bathroom, Ba Mei wagged its tail, its butt shaking as it followed him.


The other three had the same reaction, feeling that this was very novel and strange.

Xu Haoming did not hesitate. Seeing Lu Xu bring his cat into the bathroom, he followed as well, wanting to see how this kitty was going to wash up.

He saw Ba Mei sitting obediently on the floor, tilting its head as it watched Lu Xu take down the showerhead and test the water temperature.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
“Pa’r cba jogjlv bo kjafg?” We Ljbwlcu tjv cfnfg tjv j mja yfobgf. Ciatbeut tf vlvc’a gfjiis ecvfgrajcv mjar tf rffwfv ab gfwfwyfg rfflcu rbwfktfgf atja mjar vlvc’a ilxf ajxlcu yjatr.

“Yeg Dj Zfl lr j xlaas ktb ibnfr ab yf mifjc.” Oe We jvperafv atf kjafg afwqfgjaegf jcv qijmfv tlr tjcv bc Dj Zfl’r cfmx. Lf obecv atf rtjwqbb atja tf erfv obg tlwrfio jcv ijatfgfv Dj Zfl ecali atfgf kfgf rbjq revr. “Tbe mjwf tfgf jii bo j revvfc, cbcf bo sbeg yfibculcur jgf tfgf. Aera erf atlr obg cbk.”

Ba Mei let out a “meow meow” and rubbed Lu Xu’s palm as though it understood.


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