Chapter 47

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Ch47 - He Really Likes You
Evil does not dare to touch righteous energy.

When Lan Gaojie walked into the cafeteria and heard Lu Xu say that, and even smiled when he said it, he didn’t know if it was coincidence or on purpose.

“Lai Chengshan really is trash, luckily Xu ge is favoured by heaven in luck.”

“That’s right, I think those who engage in sorcery really have something wrong with their brain. They’d have caused their own deaths sooner or later.”

Everyone was discussing the Lai Chengshan incident. Lan Gaojie’s teammates were no exception. Training in closed-off quarters was already very tiring, so gossip was the best way to relieve stress.

However Lan Gaojie didn’t feel like that was the case. He felt that these people were implying something else with their words.

“That’s about enough, the person is already dead, don’t talk so much about it.”

Seeing Lan Gaojie say that with a sullen face. His teammates looked at one another with uncertainty, then they pursed their lips and didn’t say anything else.

With regards to a team, having a good captain was a very fortunate thing.

When people looked at Lu Xu, and then looked at their own captain, they could only say that different people had different fates, and could only admire.

After Lu Xu had seemed to casually toss that sentence out, he didn’t look at Lan Gaojie again. He just turned his head around to listen to Song Zhe and the others gossip about matters related to the competition. His mouth carried a comfortable smile.

After breakfast, the trainees gathered together, and went to the practise studio to prepare for filming.

Lu Xu had just entered the third floor when he saw the F4 rush forward with delighted smiles.

He Xinghua was smiling so hard his eyes nearly disappeared. He floated in front of Lu Xu, turned a full circle and laughed happily. “Master Lu Xu, look, I’ve changed into a new uniform!”

The teammate beside him also couldn’t help but echo, “Me too me too, aaaah. My previous clothes had been worn for so many years, it’s really terrible when you think about it.”

When Tao Yingbo heard that, he was unhappy and immediately said, “You’ve only been dead a few years. I’ve been dead for ten years, and have been wearing the same clothes for ten years, but have I said anything?”

“Master Lu Xu, look, this is the personal autograph that Nian ge burned for me, and it’s even addressed to me!” Dai Zijin was happier than anyone else, and couldn’t resist showing Lu Xu the signature.

He Xinghua immediately became a lemon, and smiled tightly, “Okay okay, I know Nian ge addressed the autograph to you, please don’t provoke us, okay? If I had known earlier that Nian ge was so kind, I would have asked for an autograph too.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.
Tao Yingbo was at the side, contemplating. “Hm, if we can really get whatever we want, I hope that Nian ge can give me a girlfriend…”

“Ai!” The others sighed when they heard that, gave him a disgusted look then laughed. “Then I’m afraid you might have to trouble Nian ge to burn a bicycle pump, hahaha.”

Vqfjx bo atf vfnli jcv tf rtjii jqqfjg.

Ycmf atf M4 tjv wfcalbcfv Al Wlecljc, tf jqqfjgfv lc atf mbgglvbg.

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