Chapter 40

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Ch40 - Successful Sending of a New Order

After the #Master Lai Comments on Lu Xu# supertopic hit the hot search, netizens did not sit idly by—

[@Dynamic Light Wave Biu: Fuck fuck no way, Master Lai actually said Lu Xu has a short life!!! Aaaaaaa I feel a bit of panic. Do you guys remember the situation with Shao Tang and Shi Hongye?]

[My Idol Small Pretty Waist: Oh my god upstairs please don’t scare me. That Shao Tang and Shi Hongye incident really shocked me.]

[@Liu Liu is a Cat: I’m scared too. Is it too late for Lu Xu to go to the hospital or find someone to save his life right now? But it’s no use thinking of past events anymore. He’s only 18 and so young, we can only say that fate is unfair.]

After Lai Chengshan posted his Weibo status, the netizens were all very shocked. They couldn’t help but feel sympathy for Lu Xu. Some people even ran over to the #Master Lai Comments on Lu Xu# topic to uniformly light candles for Lu Xu.

Lu Xu was still living quite well. No matter how one looked at it, the netizens coming up to give him praise didn’t seem very auspicious. The fans were naturally unhappy and immediately looked for justice on Lu Xu’s behalf—

[@Empress Loli Loves Lu Xu: You guys want to poison us. Our family’s Xu son is competing well, what do you mean by lighting candles? And what era is this that anyone with a master’s name can just casually say such irresponsible words?]

[@The Moon Was Gnawed Bent By Me: I was very curious after seeing that Weibo post. If it were your idol, friend, or even relative who was being mourned by others like this, would you not be angry? @Boundless Beneficence Master Lai V You’re a public figure, is it good to engage in such alarmism?]

[@I’ll Bet On Tomorrow With My Youth: As a fan, I really can’t stand it. Our Xu ge is long-lived and healthy okay? Since you’ve brought my Xu’s name onto the hot search, then add a voting link. When you walk by don’t walk past, come with me and pick Xu ge to debut.]

Lu Xu’s fans didn’t have a specific organisation, most of them loosely spread around. But even that was not an amount to sneeze at; it didn’t take long for them to start discussing with the people busy giving likes on the page.

They truly appreciated Lu Xu and only felt that this master was engaging in alarmism. There were even allegations that he was using this to rub off of Lu Xu’s popularity.

The netizens who were busy lighting candles didn’t really hope Lu Xu would meet with an unfortunate event; they only thought these fans were too young—

[@Dynamic Light Wave Biu: Instead of spending time tearing into strangers on the internet, Lu Xu’s fans should spend this time appreciating Lu Xu. Support if you need to support, confess if you need to confess, or else you guys will really regret it later on. You guys don’t need to rush to tear me apart. This is exactly what happened with the Shao Tang and Shi Hongye incidents. You’ll know how amazing Master Lai is after seeing it (Web Link)]

The Shao Tang and Shi Hongye the netizens were talking about were young artists who had already passed away.

One was an actor and the other a singer. Neither of them was very popular after debuting for a few years. When they were about to become popular through some decent works after much difficulty, they both suddenly left this world.

Coincidentally, both of them had passed away due to car accidents.

Car accidents happened from time to time, and tens of thousands of people died on average from traffic accidents every year.

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